4,000 Eggs And Embryos Destroyed When Freezer Failed

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Agreed. Nobody but God will ever truly know what drives someone to sin. We are supposed to be the support network for after the fall, the ones who lead them to God so He can mend their broken souls.

4,000 children died. Millions of tears have been shed. The means may have been sinful, but that doesn’t make the lost any less loved. Let us console those who lost their children through the neglect of others.
God sent Jonah to the Ninevites. Jesus sent His Apostle’s. And Saint John the Baptist said repent, for the kingdom of God was at hand.

All knew people were sinners. And, particularly, from an objective view - just as Jonah, the Apostle’s, Saint John the Baptist, and even Saint Padre Pio - knew people were steep into sin. Even when the Pharisee said to Jesus who washed Christ’s feet with her tears and hair: do you not know what kind of woman this is? And Jesus counseled and corrected on the fact He came in, and they did not offer to wash/bathe His feet, which was the custom. She fulfilled what the Pharisee didn’t, in her tears for being a sinner. Her heart caught up, and called to Conversion.

With respect to people who offer the little human being in the embryological state, to a fertility clinic. Is what they are doing a sin? And thus wrong? And, yes it is.

Do I judge they are sinning? And again, yes. it’s purely from an objective view. Do I know their intention is meant for wrong? No. Do I perceive their knowledge it is wrong? No.

Now for the part that I don’t believe they are doing this with evil intention. And, that I do not perceive they necessarily have knowledge. I’d then say, at least from the fact they know what an Embryo is. And, that these clinics are called fertility. With OBGYN Staff/doctors. They have knowledge human life exists. Whether they know strongly or not. The fact that they have to implant in a womb, the embryological state of the human being’s life must be preserved in a freezer, means they it is human, alive, and exists.

So they have knowledge. Their morals? Their ethics? I think is blind sighted. Perhaps ignorance. But either way, they’re lacking an adequate view. Wherefore science, medicine, and ethics stipulate. Even from the Golden Rule. And thus do I judge their inadequate ability to operate and function in medicine, science, research, and ethics. Since they are basing their research and process in a country, wherefore they enjoy their rights, freedoms, based on the Golden Rule for the Common Good of society. And hence, their inadequate ability to reason by science and research which nevertheless does stipulate, and evidentially posited human life is there, and exists, which they also enjoy their freedoms and rights as human beings. All lawfully abiding in the U.S. Constitution. But yet, when they do not show nor render that to a little form of human life, I then judge their inadequacy under law, under science, under medicine, under research, and under ethics, since by them they live and enjoy their freedoms. Which violate these for unborn human beings. I therefore judge. Which is quite adequate from science/research/themselves.
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All I’m saying is, don’t judge the parents too harshly. It won’t do anyone good.
All I’m saying is, don’t judge the parents too harshly. It won’t do anyone good
Right. So though they be sinners. And yet, though we tell them their sins. And so they refuse to listen. Wherefore Jesus stated in the end, to treat as tax collectors.

And so, without having to go into the fact they are sinners, we can then say at least among the professionals they are inadequately applying their abilities, and knowledge. So as with a tax collector, we can therefore supply/view their inadequacy to render to what is Caesar’s, to Caesar.

The clinics fail to render the Common Good for which they enjoy to other person’s, who are nevertheless, little lives stored in a freezer.

In the eyes of God, and Mary, Her Immaculate heart, She see’s the anguish and brutality these little lives suffered.

Makes one ponder that this is just as serious as 9/11. 4000 lives lost, and killed. Honestly through human negligence. But nevertheless tragic and horrible.

I pray someone will have the heart to offer burial, and give Funeral Rites. And allow grief and prayer for Penance. Which is a change of heart, called to the human soul. For without it, no one feels the desire, need, or will for Salvation. Which is God’s love, for all souls that they might be saved. God looks at this tragedy, and knows people can be saved from this ruin. Through the loss of human life, God can save. He can redeem.
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Wanted to edit with another crumb for thought: if there were better adoption laws, I wonder if more women might rethink abortion? It’s a stretch, but maybe not. Maybe if some women thought someone might actually be able to adopt their baby they wouldn’t abort - because a lot of folks do know the adoption laws in the US are ridiculous. Just a thought. Probably a long shot.
Me, my thought is the rules are not only stronger because of potential of child abuse in some cases. But, likely, if adoption was easier, people would just have more children and not take responsibility. As well, to eugenics, wherefore they don’t want the planet over-populated. They therefore want the stringency in law keeping adoptions fairly limited. Which, sadly, to prove your point, thus enhances abortion.

Good point by the way. I never thought about the relationship. Sadly, limited adoption may not really mean just protecting children, but some other alterior motive.
Right now we can pray for these little lives to receive their new bodies in Jesus. Even though they were never Baptized. We can hope and pray. And offer it up. As Saint Padre Pio said: Pray, hope, and don’t worry."

I pray these little children may know the body and expression that they never had here on earth, but in Christ. For even He said not to prevent or stop the little ones. And any who caused them to sin, it would be better to tie a millstone around their neck, and throw it in the Ocean.

So Jesus has a perfect Body in the Sacrament for them. I hope to see them in Heaven. I hope to see their faces, which I was not able to see here on earth.

It is sad. But I pray, hope, and don’t worry that they won’t be there. I believe they will and are.
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When I turn on the television and see some scumbag with multiple foster kids that slipped through the cracks that he/she has victimized by unspeakable means, I doubt that “protecting children” has anything to do with adoption laws. It’s baby selling, plain and simple, to the highest bidder. If you’re a good person (or the judge thinks you are) with a lot of money to hand a lawyer, you win a baby.

“If adoption was easier, people would have more children and not take responsibility.”

I seriously doubt that. Because if adoption was easier there would be more people able to adopt. And it has nothing to do with fear of overpopulation - that’s not even what eugenics is. Life is not a conspiracy theory.
multiple foster kids that slipped through the cracks that he/she has victimized by unspeakable means, I doubt that “protecting children” has anything to do with adoption laws. It’s baby selling, plain and simple, to the highest bidder.
It’s like two wings of a dragon or beast. Plan Parenthood sells fetus parts of aborted lives. And then these so-called adoptions sell babies.

In truth, while I am not justifying selling babies. I know the survival of a child, their life to amend and grow, in other words, whether they suffer at the hands of some creep or not, it is better still they are adopted. And yes, that needs in improvement. It’s still better a child lives, than dies. As for Plan Parenthood, there’s no excuse. And nothing better comes out of it.

For the scumbags, I think they should be whipped and flogged in public. Sorry, not to make that person to hate themselves. But to know what they did is wrong. Terribly wrong. Just my two cents on justice though.
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Some 1.8million embryos have been thrown away since 1991, with almost two remaining unused for every one transplanted into a would-be mother’s womb, official figures show. Of the 3,680,460 created since records began, only 247,330 have gone on to be born, statistics released by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority show

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/01/dispo...are-destroyed-every-week-4685842/?ito=cbshare
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The statistics above are for the UK alone.
Millions destroyed, frozen, or used for research in the UK alone resulting in 247,000 births…
Less than 7% of babies created are born.

In the USA over 1,000,000 births using these lab created embryos.
So if the success rate in the US is also 7%,… over 14 million babies destroyed, frozen etc. in the USA.

6 million people were born through IVF worldwide, currently.
350,000 now born each year.

7% success rate means 84 million deaths.

These are real people being destroyed.

400,000 babies currently frozen in the USA.

God have mercy on us.
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May God have mercy indeed. 84 million deaths is more than Stalin and Hitler’s respective massacres combined, I believe. Abortion and IVF are the new holocaust.
The success rate in the US is not seven percent. Under the age of 35 it’s very close to 50%.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Not mitigating the outcome - just supplying accurate information. Doesn’t change much except numbers.
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Is that the success rate for only those that are transferred, or does this take into account also all those that are conceived but deemed not worthy to be transferred?

It seems that since it says “Transfers / Live Birth”, it is not accounting for those that are not selected for transfer.
Designer babies aren’t as common as you’d think. My understanding and as it was explained to me is that they DO look at the embryos prior to transplantation, and if unviable, they are not used.

I can’t speak to more specificity than that. But the average American with a second mortgage/home equity loan to pay for this (not an exaggeration in a lot of cases) isn’t weeding out genetic abnormalities or picking the sex if that’s what you mean. That’s cash most people don’t have.

And yes, being a woman without kids, I’m sympathetic to those who attempt this route. As I’ve said, adopting a baby in the US is pretty much impossible without a bankroll of cash.
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I am not speaking of designer babies, but rather those innocent lives that are conceived in the violence of IVF, completely devoid of the loving marital embrace as intended by God, but rather conceived outside of their mother’s womb in a sterile laboratory; they are conceived in a setting devoid of contact with their mother, and then deemed not viable and “disposed” of.

I can only imagine the heartache of those who desire to have a child, yet are unable to. It is a hard cross to bear, but a cross just the same. Just like anyone who is born with a disability, hurt in an accident, experiences loss through a tragedy, etc… we are called to unite our suffering with Christ and to carry our crosses.

The good desire to lovingly embrace and a love a child does not justify the violent creation and rejection of those that are deemed not viable. This is a rejection of the cross they have been given; instead of yoking themselves to Christ to help ease the burden of carrying the cross, they instead drop it on the ground and take matters into their own hands.

  1. The Church moreover holds that it is ethically unacceptable to dissociate procreation from the integrally personal context of the conjugal act:[29] human procreation is a personal act of a husband and wife, which is not capable of substitution. The blithe acceptance of the enormous number of abortions involved in the process of in vitro fertilization vividly illustrates how the replacement of the conjugal act by a technical procedure – in addition to being in contradiction with the respect that is due to procreation as something that cannot be reduced to mere reproduction – leads to a weakening of the respect owed to every human being. Recognition of such respect is, on the other hand, promoted by the intimacy of husband and wife nourished by married love.
The Church recognizes the legitimacy of the desire for a child and understands the suffering of couples struggling with problems of fertility. Such a desire, however, should not override the dignity of every human life to the point of absolute supremacy. The desire for a child cannot justify the “production” of offspring, just as the desire not to have a child cannot justify the abandonment or destruction of a child once he or she has been conceived.

In reality, it seems that some researchers, lacking any ethical point of reference and aware of the possibilities inherent in technological progress, surrender to the logic of purely subjective desires[30] and to economic pressures which are so strong in this area. In the face of this manipulation of the human being in his or her embryonic state, it needs to be repeated that “God’s love does not differentiate between the newly conceived infant still in his or her mother’s womb and the child or young person, or the adult and the elderly person. God does not distinguish between them because he sees an impression of his own image and likeness (Gen 1:26) in each one… Therefore, the Magisterium of the Church has constantly proclaimed the sacred and inviolable character of every human life from its conception until its natural end”.[31]
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Comparing infertility to a disability is disingenuous and in my book insensitive. Just don’t. I assure you it’s not. That has nothing to do with Catechism. It’s humanity.

I have some shoes you can borrow if you like.
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I was not comparing infertility to a disability, but rather trying to show that there are many different crosses people are forced to endure: disabilities, injuries, infertility, SSA, mental health issues, loneliness, abandonment, etc…

When we try to overcome our crosses on our own, they are too much to bear. We cast them off at the first sign of another alternative. It is only through Christ that we can properly carry our crosses and fulfill God’s will for our lives.

As for your shoes, I appreciate your generosity, but they probably would not be of help to me, as they would probably further aggravate my ankle disability.

I have plenty of my own shoes, but I thank you for your sincerity and charity towards me.
That was a metaphor.

To walk in them. To deal with the failure and the depression as I have.

The people who had these embryos deserve consideration for the loss they feel. Not judgment for sin.
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