DS is always included when DH of I go for confession, andand DS will ask to go other times. There have been episodes where I have looked him in the eye and said “you may want to think about the gravity of this matter and maybe take it up with Father in Confession” but would NEVER presume to be able to determine what is mortal sin for my teen. The three qualifications for sin to be mortal:Hmm…I agree but some lovely teenagers really hate having to go to confession…so I do not think it is that they are not ready for the sacrament they just dont wanna do it!
as a mom I know when my kids have sinned…I also know when they have gone to confession becuase I take them (they cant drive ya know)
Grave Matter
Full knowledge
Are subjective. The state of his soul when it comes to recieving the Eucharist is between him and his confessor and God.