Maybe I am wrong about the mortal sin thing… you tell me:
Kid: May I do XYZ?
Mom: No. You may NOT do XYZ.
Kid: Please please please may I do XYZ? (Begs for several days, asks Dad - same answer No.)
Kid: Fine - I won’t.
Kid goes off and does XYZ when no one is home and thinks he won’t get caught. Mom finds out. Kid admits that he KNEW doing xyz was wrong but wanted to do it anyhow. Kid lied when he said he wouldn’t do xyz - fully intended to do it anyhow - just said he wouldn’t to shut mom up.
Mortal sin - yea or neigh?
Do I think the kid should be encouraged to confess that before the next Sunday? Yes.
Would I make certain that my teenage child spoke to a spiritual advisor (and possibly a psychological counselor) if he or she had apparently become a habitual liar? Yes.
If I found at that kid’s funeral the next week that something like that had been his or her last act–for instance, if the kid was killed in an accident while out at a party he was forbidden to attend and had attended anyway–would I think the kid risked hellfire for a single instance something like that? No.
I say this because we do not receive a full knowledge of the gravity of our sins from the first moment that we have knowledge that our sins do have gravity. While I think it appropriate for second graders to be able to confess their sins, I think it highly unusual that any second grader ever does anything with a knowledge full enough to endanger their immortal soul at that minute. Even high school kids do not fully appreciate what death and eternity mean. They think they will live forever, they think everything can be fixed. That in itself would usually preclude a full knowledge of mortal sin and a full consent to evil.
Nevertheless, the habit of sin and a malformation of conscience pose an eternal danger. For this reason, a child should not be taught that they cannot commit a mortal sin, nor should they be taught that they have no need to confess a sin that is mortal in gravity. We ought to teach, “when fully appreciated in gravity, this or that sin is mortal”, but that what is or isn’t mortal in a particular case is God’s alone to know, because of our inability to read hearts and assertain the other conditions for a mortal sin.
Besides, a kid who is not taught to live a life of virtue is being denied their greatest happiness and is being taught to be a threat to their own welfare and that of others. That their actions probably won’t send them straight to Hell doesn’t make them trivial in importance.
Is it really that harmful to tell them it is a mortal sin?
especially if doing so gets them to stop doing it and go to Confession?
If you lie to your child about your understanding of what sins are mortal or venial:
a) obviously you lie, which is itself a sin and a stain on your own soul. This is possibly a worse stain that the child’s own lie, since you are older and in a better position to know the gravity of your actions.
b) you substitute the weaker witness of talking for the stronger witness of doing
c) you damage your own credibility and authority in the right formation of the child’s conscience
d) you mar the formation of your child’s conscience by either encouraging them to be scrupulous (if they don’t find you out) or teaching them by example that the end justfies the means (if they do find you out).
While I don’t think this falls under the category of causing a little one to stray, to which an ocean swim with a millstone around one’s neck is preferable, it does tend in that direction.
Maybe she didn’t fast? I’ve told my kids not to receive communion when they broke the fast. Also, once I told my son who forgot to wash his hands that he should either receive on the tongue or not at all.
I am in the camp that says if a person is old enough to receive communion and avail themselves of confession, they are old enough to make the ultimate decision on their own.
That is not to say that there wouldn’t be consequences provided by yours truly if a child decided to violate the house rules, including house rules regarding religious observance. It does say that I would not presume to impose myself between another Christian and the sacraments. I think that authority is proper to priests. Even in that case, that pastoral authority it is usually imposed sparingly, in my experience.
Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread.
Very often, the same can be said of well-meaning parents.