It’s a run of the mill nde. Nothing special. They are a dime a dozen. A lot concerning hypoxia which she obviously suffered from. In very cold water. The stories of people being revived from long term immersion in cold water are legion. And the results of hypoxia are very well known.Not at all. Did you watch the video? It’s been posted for what 10 mins…come on friend. You complained that evidence provided that someone’s near death experience was real was a joke”oh they saw a red sock”. I just linked you the greater part of what they do which is much much more. Take a loook for yourself!
And she is a surgeon and she said she literally died? Good grief.
And what you experience can be common - seeing dead relatives etc. But as far as religious experiences go, what you see is what you believe:
‘In one study carried out in 1985, the experiences of 16 Asian Indians had been compared with those of Americans and it had been found that the Indians had often encountered Yamraj, the Hindu king of the dead, while the Americans had not.’ http://www.horizonresearch.org/near.../religion-culture-and-near-death-experiences/