I thought so. It doesn’t make sense to me though. The Catholic Church most certainly does not fit the definition of a cult.
So? Some people have different views on religion than Catholics do, and at least here in America, it isn’t unusual for people to vocalize all sorts of religious viewpoints in public or private conversations.A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult
The debate is still going on now he said that baby’s shouldn’t get baptised because peter said you have to repent and confess with your lips and baby’s can’t do this please help !!!Cults are easy to enter and hard to leave. Catholicism is the opposite: it takes around a year to convert as an adult and nobody is likely to notice if you stop going to Mass.
Some Christians believe in infant baptism; others believe in a Believer’s baptism.A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult
If its an online debate and you don’t know what to say, just walk away.The debate is still going on now
It isn’t really an “addition” to the baptism requirement, since many don’t see baptism as a requirement to being born again. Being “born again” is essentially just having a “Jesus moment” and asking him into your heart.I have always been mystified by the Evangelical requirement to be ‘born again’ in addition to having been validly baptised.
Most Protestants don’t think that “born of water” is a reference to baptism. The most common theory I’ve heard is that it is a reference to natural birth via reference to amniotic fluidWhy they do not consider baptism to be the born-again requirement mentioned in Scripture
The only place I can think of where Peter says anything resembling this is Acts 2:38, but:The debate is still going on now he said that baby’s shouldn’t get baptised because peter said you have to repent and confess with your lips and baby’s can’t do this please help !!!
Rosie; Ask him what fire-breathing Pentecostal “know it all” minister is shaking him down every week for his 10%. People who go around mouthing this crap have been around for a long time and probably aren’t going away anytime soon.A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult
Sure. A cult started 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ. And yes, you are born again, in Baptism.A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult
Rosie: From the beginning of recorded ecclesial history, starting with Abraham, God commanded that infants be brought into the fold; the covenant with their God. That is why the Jews had to circumcise every male infant on the 8th day of his life. God wants all, infants included in his Covenant.The debate is still going on now he said that baby’s shouldn’t get baptised because peter said you have to repent and confess with your lips and baby’s can’t do this please help !!!