A Man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic

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I thought so. It doesn’t make sense to me though. The Catholic Church most certainly does not fit the definition of a cult.
No, it doesn’t. Of course “cult” has a number of definitions depending on who you’re talking to.
A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult
So? Some people have different views on religion than Catholics do, and at least here in America, it isn’t unusual for people to vocalize all sorts of religious viewpoints in public or private conversations.

You are under no obligation to answer this gentleman.

However if you are Catholic , you should be able to answer him if you want to from your own religious training.
Cults are easy to enter and hard to leave. Catholicism is the opposite: it takes around a year to convert as an adult and nobody is likely to notice if you stop going to Mass.
The debate is still going on now he said that baby’s shouldn’t get baptised because peter said you have to repent and confess with your lips and baby’s can’t do this please help !!!
there’s a lot of anti-Catholic ignorance and bigotry out there, even among protestant Christians. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Fundamentalists refuse to permit the baptism of infants and young children, because “they are not yet capable of making such a conscious act” But notice what Jesus said: “to such as these [referring to the infants and children who had been brought to him by their mothers] belongs the kingdom of heaven.” The Lord did not require them to make a conscious decision. He says that they are precisely the kind of people who can come to him and receive the kingdom. Ask that protestant on what basis, can infants and young children be excluded from the sacrament of baptism? If Jesus said “let them come unto me,” who are we to say “no,” and withhold baptism from them? I know my two babies hasn’t sinned against God yet but they have been baptized Because I do know that we are all born with Original Sin. Catholic Church baptize babies to wash away the original sins of Adam and Eve and to become the children of God. :angel:Our Lord denies baptism to NO ONE. There’s no verse in the Bible that says infants shouldn’t be baptized.
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Why are you so invested in what some random guy says? Why do you think he’s worth listening to?
Tell him as Catholics we follow Jesus and are born again of water and the holy spirit. Therefore we have been practicing the sacrament of Baptism for 2000 years. If he doesn’t accept that, then fine leave him alone, like St Paul said he stands self-condemned.
A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult
Some Christians believe in infant baptism; others believe in a Believer’s baptism.
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The debate is still going on now
If its an online debate and you don’t know what to say, just walk away.

You are not going to convince someone that they are wrong on this, no matter how concise and convincing your retorts are.
I have always been mystified by the Evangelical requirement to be ‘born again’ in addition to having been validly baptised.
It isn’t really an “addition” to the baptism requirement, since many don’t see baptism as a requirement to being born again. Being “born again” is essentially just having a “Jesus moment” and asking him into your heart.
Why they do not consider baptism to be the born-again requirement mentioned in Scripture
Most Protestants don’t think that “born of water” is a reference to baptism. The most common theory I’ve heard is that it is a reference to natural birth via reference to amniotic fluid
The debate is still going on now he said that baby’s shouldn’t get baptised because peter said you have to repent and confess with your lips and baby’s can’t do this please help !!!
The only place I can think of where Peter says anything resembling this is Acts 2:38, but:
  1. He’s speaking to an adult audience and saying that they, who are capable, should repent. This has nothing to do with the matter of infant baptism. That said, though…
  2. He seems to imply children should be included in verse 39.
Besides, infant baptism has been practiced, as far as we can tell, from the beginning, in that the earliest records to it treat it as a well-known, common practice with no debate from within the Church. That, combined with the silence from Scripture on the matter, would seem to indicate that early Christians never really wondered if it should be practiced or not. They just did it, and the Apostles saw no reason to write to them to tell them to stop.
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Because I want to be right he’s saying so much that I don’t have an answer to and to be honest it’s more my pride
People say a lot of things.

Stick with the Church that Christ founded, you will be fine.
A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult
Rosie; Ask him what fire-breathing Pentecostal “know it all” minister is shaking him down every week for his 10%. People who go around mouthing this crap have been around for a long time and probably aren’t going away anytime soon.
A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult
Sure. A cult started 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ. And yes, you are born again, in Baptism.
The debate is still going on now he said that baby’s shouldn’t get baptised because peter said you have to repent and confess with your lips and baby’s can’t do this please help !!!
Rosie: From the beginning of recorded ecclesial history, starting with Abraham, God commanded that infants be brought into the fold; the covenant with their God. That is why the Jews had to circumcise every male infant on the 8th day of his life. God wants all, infants included in his Covenant.
Christ gave Peter and his successors the right to speak for Him. (Whatever you loose … whatever you bind.) The church, through its leaders and its history, have understood God’s original command of circumcision for the Jews, to include the new circumcision in Christ; that is baptism. That includes infants, as in the beginning.

As one other poster said, “You are not going to convince someone that they are wrong on this, no matter how concise and convincing your retorts are.” Especially is they are Pentecostal or fundamentalist Protestant.

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Who’s he to declare you ‘born again’? Tell him that you are part of the only Church that can trace its history back to the apostles, while his church is probably no older than 50-100 years.
Jesus said to Nicodemus; “Unless you be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, …”
We (the RCC) baptize with water, and our Church is guided by the Holy Spirit. Somehow, I think those two facts indicate we take Christ’s words to old Nick to heart.
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