A Man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic

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This man is doing the work of satan in trying to destroy your faith.

Say begone satan. Holy Father Pope Francis tells us not to dialogue with the devil. Stop engaging with the devil through this man. Pray for this man
A man told you, you are not born again if your Catholic according to the bible that came from the Catholic church…huh??
There is even a sense, if you refer to the beginnings of Genesis, that the forming world was ‘born again’ - then the waters covered the earth, and the spirit of God hovered over it, and God saw it was good - the idea of birth/rebirth through water and the Spirit of God really does go back a long way - it was given the formal imprimatur by Jesus and John the Baptist, in the Jordan [and not forgetting the Holy Spirit and the approval of The Father], and has continued ever since, in and through the auspices and given authority of the Catholic church.

Steve Ray does a wonderful hour plus long talk in India about baptism and being born again, on YouTube.
I am just going to listen to it again - the guy is such an inspiration in his talks.
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I must be born again to get to heaven
A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic
Being a Catholic and being born again are two different things. Some Catholics are born again, some aren’t – though it ultimately isn’t possible for one person to be sure whether another person has been born again or not. Only you and God know whether you are born again or not.
the Catholic Church is a cult
For the plain-vanilla RCC, this certainly is not true, nor is it true for the Church’s monasteries, convents, etc. See redbetta’s answer above. The RCC is extremely easy to get out of, unlike a cult. However, there are some movements inside the Church that are (or have been) a bit cult-like at times and in certain ways. Opus Dei, Neo-Catechumenal Way, Charistmatic Movement, etc. are examples.

Catholic Church follow and which is GUIDED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT and JESUS CHRISH HIMSELF THROUGH HIS TRUE CHURCH AND THE POPE Matthew 16:16-18 7 And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven.18 And I say to thee : That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Jeremiah 3:15I will give you shepherds (POPES) after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.

John 3:3-5 Jesus answered him, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.”4 Nicodemus said to him, “How can anyone be born after having grown old? Can one enter a second time into the mother’s womb and be born?” 5 Jesus answered, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.

this born gain is birth till death ,process ,we have to continuously,be in repentance,as we grow spiritually and by going to the sacrament of confession again and again,and renew our baptismal innocence by being holy.
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Ironically, people who say these things probably have not been validly baptized. Chances are they have been baptized in the name of Jesus only, or have simply had a dedication ceremony at some point in their life.

And yet, they say they are born again Christians.

It all comes from misinterpretation of scripture or taking verses out of context.
A man told me I’m not born again if I’m Catholic and I must be born again to get to heaven he also said the Catholic Church is a cult

Hmmm so what then is Sacramental Baptism {John 3:5} Matt 28:18-20
The man is probably on the path too hell.
I think it is hard for us to make a judgement call on that. A lot of Protestants today don’t really know that much about the Catholic Church and are just regurgitating five centuries of anti-Catholic rhetoric that paint the Church as something we would consider non-Christian. Definitely pray for his soul, especially considering what sounds like a severe lack of charity, but he sounds like the type of Protestant who rejects Catholicism more out of ignorance of what Catholicism is rather than simply rejecting it for what it is.
Charistmatic Movement
I don’t know that much about the Charismatic Movement, but the couple people I know who are really into it really don’t seem like they’re part of a cult-like movement. It just seems to be a way of worshipping God that they like, but they are free to stop doing it as they see fit.
Ironically, people who say these things probably have not been validly baptized. Chances are they have been baptized in the name of Jesus only, or have simply had a dedication ceremony at some point in their life.
I don’t think we can say that. Most Protestants, as far as I’m aware, still baptize validly. They just don’t fully understand what is going on when doing so.
Mainline Protestants might have some understanding of baptism, yes. Lutherans, Anglicans, Presbyterians, for example. But people like the Oneness Pentecostals and churches that started last week downtown where the insurance company used to be located typically do not know the correct way to baptize, or they do not think it does anything for our soul.

Just my opinion. There is a small chance I’m wrong.
Oneness Pentecostals
Oneness Pentecostals in general are just weird. They take the name of a Protestant movement, but they very explicitly deny orthodox Trinitarianism, which despite not being one of the solas, is still generally considered a requirement to be Protestant. After all, Protestants are still Christian and still traditionally hold to the core teachings about the Trinity, Divinity of Christ, etc.

Any mistakes on the part of Oneness Pentecostals in baptism seems to come from their heretical views more than what they share with Protestantism.
churches that started last week downtown where the insurance company used to be located
It is possible that these churches are part of more established denominations. When I was Protestant, I went to a couple churches that were “storefront” churches. One of them actually started off as Bible studies inside a still-used insurance company’s office. The first was part of the Evangelical Free Church in America, which from what I remember still does baptism validly, and the second was part of the Presbyterian Church in America, which definitely does baptism validly. It is possible that some nondenom churches and minor Evangelical denominations don’t do baptism validly, but that’s really on a church-by-church basis and can’t be assumed.

The person the OP described, though, could easily be found in a Fundamentalist Baptist or Assembly of God church. I was raised with a lot of exposure to both, and what OP described sounds like what I heard a lot from both. Granted, neither are a a guaranteed to do baptism validly, but as far as I know, both generally do so. I was actually baptized in an AoG church, and the Church’s investigation into my baptism when I was in RCIA confirmed that it was valid.
Which is an excellent reason to not get into discussions with Protestants. Most of them are really well meaning, but their ignorance of the Catholic faith is somewhere between great and truly outstanding.

As to the individual who challenged you, if you are not up to debating with him (and it would be my suggestion to not do so) they thank him politely and go about your business,

My mother was a past master at dealing with such comments. She would simply look at the person and say “oh” with no particular inflection. Worked every time.
Rosie if you are going to believe what one person told you about how God is going to judge you, then you are leaving yourself open to believing every arm chair theologian on this site who declares themselves a church militant and authoratian on knowing who is in a state of sin or not and must abide by their suggestions or believe what they say in regards to religious scripture etc,

dont leave your self open to the opinions of others, the church cant judge you, people online cant judge you, a priest, bishop, cardinal nor the pope can judge you, the only one who can judge anyone is God, everything else is just specultaion and or suggestions as to how to not end up in hell. An if the Catholic Church was a " Cult " it would have been erased from history a long long time ago.
Which is an excellent reason to not get into discussions with Protestants. Most of them are really well meaning, but their ignorance of the Catholic faith is somewhere between great and truly outstanding.
It depends on the type of Protestant. The type that would go around calling the Catholic Church a cult and that members of it aren’t really Christian probably isn’t open to reasonable discussion. In those cases, yes, don’t engage.

However, many Protestants are more open, and it can help to clearly lay out what Catholics believe. Part of the reason I’m here and not still Presbyterian is that a Catholic was willing to explain that Catholicism is centered around grace. I didn’t convert right then, but it stayed in my mind when I was in a position to possibly consider Catholicism. Would I have still converted? Considering the circumstances, maybe, but my openness to considering Catholicism was helped by them.
And…some people believe angels in the Bible are aliens. Don’t worry about it. By the way, I’d have asked him to define “cult” and “born again”.
“And this one thing at least is certain; whatever history teaches, whatever it omits, whatever it exaggerates or extenuates, whatever it says and unsays, at least the Christianity of history is not Protestantism. If ever there were a safe truth, it is this.”
― [John Henry Newman]
You were born right the first time, why do you need to be born again? I dont get it.
I dont get the cult thing either… I just googled the definition of a cult and it seems pretty insulting to God…as He’s not a figure or an object and certainly not a thing???But he is likely misinformed, poor guy. Oh and I wouldn’t say we fit the criteria of ‘a relatively small group of people’ and if our practices are strange, then it’s only because he doesnt understand them. Also we don’t impose control over anyone as people are more free than they were before they became Catholic as God gives you freedom… Oh I get it perhaps he also didnt fully get what cult meant… hang on I’ll copy the google… so you can tell him how not cult we are…lol.
  1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
  • a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members.
  • a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular thing.
  1. a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society.
Well, figure it out soon if you can, so you don’t need to leave the CC for 25+ years like I did. That theology they espouse is pure priggish garbage. And the Catholic Church has the gospel truth down like no other.
The debate is still going on now he said that baby’s shouldn’t get baptised because peter said you have to repent and confess with your lips and baby’s can’t do this please help !!!
What do you thinks babies are doings all along? are they not confessing and praising God Psalm 8:2 Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger.
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