many thanks for your post. It was brief, but very much appreciated.
I am here to discuss, learn and grow in the faith. I may not always be correct, but I would like to feel I am with Catholic friends who are interested and committed.
The US Catholic Church seems polarized at present, but I think there should be room for all. Dominicans and Franciscans may not share the same charisms. Jesuits and Opus Deo members may differ in spirituality, but they are all one in Christ.
In general the discussions in this thread have been respectful, but I felt some were confrontational and negative.
So thanks once more. Your post cheered me up today.
*If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. (NRSV, Phil 2:1,2).
many thanks for your post. It was brief, but very much appreciated.
I am here to discuss, learn and grow in the faith. I may not always be correct, but I would like to feel I am with Catholic friends who are interested and committed.
The US Catholic Church seems polarized at present, but I think there should be room for all. Dominicans and Franciscans may not share the same charisms. Jesuits and Opus Deo members may differ in spirituality, but they are all one in Christ.
In general the discussions in this thread have been respectful, but I felt some were confrontational and negative.
So thanks once more. Your post cheered me up today.
*If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. (NRSV, Phil 2:1,2).