A New Proof of God.

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Here’s a simplified version of my new proof of God:
  1. ALL IS REAL due to a dichotomy between true everythingness and true nothingness,
    and the fact that true nothingness is not REAL.
  2. If a Constraint on ALL is also REAL, then the Constraint determines what is REAL.
  3. If the Constraint does not have free will, then all that is possible under the Constraint
    must be REAL.
  4. If the Constraint has free will, then the Constraint may choose what is REAL.
  5. As all that is possible under the Constraint is apparently not REAL, then the
    Constraint must be able to choose what is REAL.
  6. A Constraint able to choose what is REAL is only God.
  7. Therefore, God must be REAL, as it is almost certainly true that a Constraint is REAL.

Here’s a simplified version of my new proof of God:
  1. ALL IS REAL due to a dichotomy between true everythingness and true nothingness,
    and the fact that true nothingness is not REAL.
  2. If a Constraint on ALL is also REAL, then the Constraint determines what is REAL.
  3. If the Constraint does not have free will, then all that is possible under the Constraint
    must be REAL.
  4. If the Constraint has free will, then the Constraint may choose what is REAL.
  5. As all that is possible under the Constraint is apparently not REAL, then the
    Constraint must be able to choose what is REAL.
  6. A Constraint able to choose what is REAL is only God.
  7. Therefore, God must be REAL, as it is almost certainly true that a Constraint is REAL.
I did my best to extract meaning from your simplified version and paraphrased it as follows:

*1.Because true nothingness is not a possibility, true everythingness must exist, i.e., is real.
  1. Because true nothingness, an impossibility, is excluded from true everythingness; the exclusion suggests a Constraint exists that determines all that is possible; the ability to determine argues that the constraint has free will.
  2. Because the Constraint has free will, and has chosen all that is possible, it is the Constraint that chooses what is to be actualized, i.e., what is to exist, namely that which is created as objective and subjective reality.
  3. The Constraint that chooses what is to be actualized (created) can only be described as God.
  4. Because the Constraint must exist, God must exist, i.e., is REAL.
I am not sure that I have come close to your intended meaning. My interpretation depends on how you interpret REAL. I use the similar word “actualize” to signify those possibilities that have been constrained (chosen by God) within our world.

In a thesis that I have developed, I refer to that which existed before and beyond our universe as the Realm of Possibility, the Mind of God. God actualized the universe and all the galaxies, stars, planets, animated cells, multicellular organisms, and finally man. Man, who is made in the image of God, was given the power of actualization of possibilities and hence we have: language, tools, music, poetry, bridges, cathedrals, airplanes, cell phones and who knows what other possibilities are yet to be actualized.

No matter how hard one tries, it is my opinion that no defensible proof can be given for something that we cannot study. Deities come down to a matter of faith, and nothing more.

Your restatement of my simplified version of a new proof of God is almost exactly right, which means you do understand my proof. The only change I would make to your restatement is this:

“5. Because there is only proof of a Constraint with free will, God must almost assuredly exist, i.e. is Real.”

Thank you for your comments, because you make it clear to me that someone else out there does in fact know what I am talking about. LOL!

As to your theory, man’s ability to actualize possibilities, the problem I see with this is that one could argue that man’s abilities come solely from the laws of physics, as the laws of physics are capable of creating a brain. However, God being in charge of the laws of physics and when and where the laws of physics appear and in what form, is capable of entering into our Universe and affecting us. Moreover, as God exists in a unique realm of reality beyond that which the laws of physics and form permits, in God’s unique realm, He can share his free will and Being with us. Thus, we can be made in God’s image through His sharing of his Being with us. God must have a unique realm of reality which is God, because God in order to know all infinite possibilities must be real in a unique realm beyond infinity where knowledge of the infinite is possible.

My new proof of God is scientifically verifiable and does not come down to faith alone. The scientific verification is the obvious that our Universe does not contain all that is possible under the laws of physics, and therefore, a Constraint with free will almost assuredly must be real. However, scientists could attempt to prove an infinite multiverse (and they are making that attempt by the way, though with no luck so far!), which offers science the opportunity to disprove my scientific evidence that all that is possible under the laws of physics is not real.

The laws of physics and forms can never answer this one question: “Why is true nothingness not real, when true nothingness does not require a cause to be real?”

The laws of physics and forms cannot answer this question, because in a state of true nothingness, the laws of physics and forms cannot exist and hence are not available to answer the question.

The only way to answer the question is to use a dichotomy. However, for a dichotomy with true nothingness to be correct, the opposing side of the dichotomy must be the exact opposite of true nothingness. The exact opposite of true nothingness is true everythingness, which mean ALL IS REAL. There is no way to avoid the truth that ALL IS REAL, because any plausible theory of existence must explain why true nothingness is not real - and only this dichotomy explains it.

So, we must accept the absolutely certain fact that ALL IS REAL. However, the only way to harmonize the fact that ALL IS REAL with our reality which clearly demonstrates that ALL IS NOT REAL, is to introduce the concept of a CONSTRAINT on “ALL IS REAL.” The CONSTRAINT is real because if ALL IS REAL and a CONSTRAINT is possible in a state of ALL IS REAL, then the CONSTRAINT must also be real. The CONSTRAINT then would determine what is real and what is not real, except that the CONSTRAINT cannot determine that the CONSTRAINT itself is not real or that true nothingness is real.

Only the reality of an infinite multiverse gives my new proof of God a problem. The existence of anything less than an infinite multiverse, such as a finite multiverse, does not give my proof a problem, because God is capable of creating his own version of a finite multiverse but the laws of physics and forms being infinite as Math is infinite cannot account for a finite multiverse where ALL IS REAL.

As a practical point, science will never be able to prove the reality of an infinite multiverse, because in order to do so, science would have to physically go beyond the confines of our particular Universe in order to get the data necessary to prove the reality of an infinite multiverse. As science and scientists cannot go beyond the confines of our particular Universe, science will never be able to prove the reality of an infinite multiverse.

But, for sake of argument, let’s say an infinite multiverse is real. The existence of an infinite multiverse still does not prove God did not create the infinite multiverse, it only makes God seemingly superfluous.

However, even if an infinite multiverse were real, I would say that even an infinite multiverse must itself be constrained by the laws of physics or forms. However, as the laws of physics and forms are infinite as Math is infinite, then there must be a Constraint on the infinite laws of physics and forms in order for creation to be real at all and as such a Constraint on the infinite is possible by knowing all the infinite and hence must be real as ALL IS REAL. Hence, even assuming the reality of an infinite multiverse, there must still be a God to account for creation.

Sorry, I have to make a correction to what I just posted, because I ran out of editing time. What I should have said was:

“However, as the laws of physics and forms are infinite as Math is infinite, then there must be a Constraint on the infinite laws of physics and forms in order for creation to be real at all and as such a Constraint on the infinite is possible by knowing and having control over all the infinite and hence must be real as ALL IS REAL.”

Obviously, the problem is that a human can know the infinitely possible because one can know Math, and Math is infinite. However, a human cannot control what is real based on Math. Only God can have both knowledge and control over what is real based on Math. As it is possible to have both knowledge and control over what is real based on Math, then God must be real as ALL IS REAL.
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