
This is true, an OCA (Orthodox Church of America) parish has what they call general confession here but it differs than general confession in the Catholic Church.First, I am amazed you left the rest of my post undisputed. I did better than I thought!!!
And yes, the Eastern Orthodox do have general confession and absolution. The parish near me has it monthly. Its right on their sign out front.
We must always be cognizant that words have different definitions for different groups.
As a former paramedic and now working in the computer filed I am reminded of this daily. As a UNIX Systems Admin, what I call a process differs from what a Database Admin calls a process.
Now on to the general confession at the OCA church. I do not know if this is standard but I am inclined to believe it is.
This follows Great Vespers (which is on Saturday night), once a month. There is a set of prayer that are prayed and then at the end of it each person wanted absolution approaches the priest individually for it. There is no general absolution, one must approach the priest and speak with him. I believe any serious sin is then confessed to him.
We must remember, the terms venial and mortal, are western in nature. The East does not really use those terms. Also Catholics do not have to go to confession for venial sins. Those are taken care of in, what could be called the general confession/absolution, at the beginning of the Mass.