“Consistency” is my middle name, sir…
You’re not consistent by changing the Pharisees’ and Sadducees’ understanding of the Mosaic Law on adultery, and their intention behind attempting to accuse Jesus in such a case, after my every counter-argument:
(i) “If Jesus said “let her go”, then they’d say “you don’t follow the Mosaic law!”, and if He said “let her be punished”, they’d say “you’re not merciful!”. Jesus’ response finds a middle answer.”
(ii) "If Jesus said “apply the punishment”, they could have said, “see! he doesn’t know the Law! The Law requires the presence of the man who committed adultery, and this Jesus guy condemned illegally!”
(iii) “…the Pharisees’ own words betray their twisting of Mosaic law. Does the law “command [them] to stone such women”? No, it doesn’t. It commands them to stone
both of the offenders . So, they’re clearly misstating the law, in the hopes of trapping Jesus.”
This is your latest argument:
(iv) “If Jesus makes a claim about the law, then they’re
still able to make the counter-claim that Jesus doesn’t know the law Himself. And, since they’re the interpreters of the law, they win on that claim. See? That falls right into their trap. So, instead, Jesus takes a different tack – one which denies them the ability to claim victory on either horn of the dilemma.”
Your new interpretation of the Pharisees’ and Sadducees’ plan seems to leave out the adulterer at all. And, if they wanted to accuse Jesus, wouldn’t they still be able to say He doesn’t know the Law on adultery, since they can just interpret Jesus’s addressing the witnesses, and telling those without sin should cast the first stone at the adulteress to be unlawful and wrong, and get Him in trouble? If they can say any claim Jesus makes is “wrong”, then why not say His “sentence” is wrong, and against the Law on adultery as well? Even if you are still arguing the Law on adultery says the adulterer must be sentenced to death, and/or killed at the same time/location as the adulteress, then nothing about what Jesus did should’ve changed that, and they should have told Jesus that His judgement was wrong, because the man isn’t there…