Actually that’s Jn. 18:31.Do you recall John 18:26?
Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law.” The Jews answered him, “We do not have the right to execute anyone,”
Now, Pilate tried to save Jesus from the very beginning, and as the right to administer justice with regard to criminals was remitted, and reserved to Rome, Pilate tried to save Jesus by saying: “Judge Him according to your Law”. Hypocrites, the Jews refused to condemn Him. It’s true that Rome had the right of justice, but when, for instance, Stephen was stoned, Rome still ruled over Jerusalem, and not withstanding all that, they passed sentence, and had the capital sentence executed disregarding Rome. With regard to Jesus, Whom they hated, feared, and did not love—they would not believe He was the Messiah, but did not want to kill Him materially, in case He were—they acted in a different way, and accused Him of being an instigator against the power of Rome (we would say a “rebel”) in order to get Rome to judge Him. In their ill-famed court of justice, and several times in the three years of His ministry, they had accused Him of being a blasphemer, and false prophet, and as such He should have been stoned, or killed in any way. But, now, to avoid committing the crime materially, as by instinct they felt they would be punished for it, they made Rome do it, accusing Him of being a criminal, and a rebel.
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