A serious question, even if I am playing with fire [What is the ultimate fate of the aborted fetuses?]

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What is the ultimate fate of the aborted fetuses? My understanding is that there are only two final destinations, either heaven or hell. What say you?
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I think babies that pass from it go to heaven Jesus treated them as innocent saying the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
Well I would say since the kingdom of heaven belongs to them Jesus makes sure they get there.

Jesus said to his disciples let them come to me the kingdom of heaven belongs to these.
That makes sense. Now the next question is: if they will get to heaven, why is it a problem to help them to get there? Is that not a greatest sign of love to help someone to get to heaven?
Catholicism isn’t utilitarian.
By the way, the (glorius) conquistadors confiscated the newborns from the local heathens, baptized them(!) and immediately killed them, because it was their deeply held belief that the baptized babies WILL get to heaven, and they wanted to HELP them to get there. The church - back then - did not object this practice.
Source please.
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I see in the responses that your asking for OUR opinions… my opinion is probably going to be wildly unpopular, but I believe they probably reincarnate. 🤷‍♂️
Yes, your opinion is unpopular because it is not the truth.

Our Good Lord knows how to take care of them, and He is infinitely perfect.
Agree these babies are innocent. The parents unless they seek and receive forgiveness and mercy from Our Lord ,their eternal souls are at risk.I pray for them and their redemption daily.🙏
I’ve heard that Limbo used to be taught, and unbaptized babies who died went there, who had neither sinned but weren’t cleansed from Original Sin. I would venture to guess they go to Heaven.

Why wouldn’t we want them to hasten to Heaven? The same reason the Church doesn’t kill others or encourage suicide to get there faster.
They still have the stain of original sin, it’s not inconceivable for God to intervene but I’m of the opinion they don’t go to heaven. It’s part of why abortion is so heinous.
By the way, the (glorius) conquistadors confiscated the newborns from the local heathens, baptized them(!) and immediately killed them, because it was their deeply held belief that the baptized babies WILL get to heaven, and they wanted to HELP them to get there. The church - back then - did not object this practice.
I’d like to see a citation on this
Agree these babies are innocent. The parents unless they seek and receive forgiveness and mercy from Our Lord ,their eternal souls are at risk.I pray for them and their redemption daily.🙏
Thank you, appreciate that.
The souls of the departed victims are in the hands of God, and the perpetrators (I am one) should get on their knees and
1 beg the mercy of God
2 then do something in reparation and restitution. Not that one can atone for the deaths of innocents…that is Christ’s work to atone for evil beyond our scope to atone. But as one realizes the forgiveness of God, a call to sacrificial love opens up. There are other mothers who need help, and there are more innocent children in the balance.
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I don’t know where aborted babies will go but I know for sure that killing an other person is evil, no matter your motives to do that.
My opinion is the teaching of the Church. As the deacon said, there are a dozen threads on here, use search.

By the way, abortion is still murder and grave sin. Just like it was the last five times you brought it up.
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if they will get to heaven, why is it a problem to help them to get there?
Our life is still part of God’s sovereignty, we aren’t allowed to take it just to get the victim to Heaven. Aditionally, each of us has a Vocation in Earth, and it is debatable whether an aborted human would have fulfilled his/her Vocation.
The Church teaches that we don’t know, but we can have hope that God absolves those without personal guilt of original sin (that is, he gives them holiness and justification) outside of the sacraments.

Some theologians in the past have speculated that if they die in original sin only, that they don’t get the supernatural happiness of heaven but that they do get a natural happiness after the Resurrection. This would still be “hell” in a sense, but without the punishments or fire and brimstone we commonly take the word to imply.

But we may pray and hope for their salvation and supernatural happiness in the beatific vision of God.
I know a priest who lived a very long life and he prayed that every baby in danger of abortion would be baptized and he did the baptismal prayers, every day. May he pray for us!
We can’t say for certain, but we can hope and pray that God gratuitously sanctifies them.

St. Thomas Aquinas
Children while in the mother’s womb have not yet come forth into the world to live among other men. Consequently they cannot be subject to the action of man, so as to receive the sacrament, at the hands of man, unto salvation. They can, however, be subject to the action of God, in Whose sight they live, so as, by a kind of privilege, to receive the grace of sanctification; as was the case with those who were sanctified in the womb.
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