A serious question, even if I am playing with fire [What is the ultimate fate of the aborted fetuses?]

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Yes, that is usually the response my opinion gets. If I could un-believe it I would. I keep praying, and God keeps telling me the same thing.

Anyway, I’m not trying to start something. Like, really I’m not… so I’m just going to leave it at that. If you want to pray that I can stop believing that, then please do.
Of course that can’t be the Catholic response. So as a Catholic I would wonder who exactly you are praying to that tells you that.
The Church offers us hope. At the end of the day, we really dont know.
The logical conclusion of your viewpoint is execution whenever we are sure someone is in a state of grace. Are you sure you think this is a good idea?
Yes, I know. I’m not Catholic though. I probably should’t be posting in a board about moral theology, but I come here to learn and sometimes the reading gets me in trouble when I can’t hold my tongue about my true beliefs. I need to work on that.

I pray to God and Jesus, no one else… of course none of us know how we’re really doing… I’d be doing better if I could read more and speak less. 😄
That makes sense. Now the next question is: if they will get to heaven, why is it a problem to help them to get there? Is that not a greatest sign of love to help someone to get to heaven?
Because its murder. Similar argument is made about euthanasia. Absurd for the same reasons, least of all because it will likely send your own soul to hell.
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In an age of moral relativism it can be hard to conceive of the concept that it is possible that some moral acts are inherently evil. Meaning, they are always wrong, regardless of circumstances. Abortion falls into that category. So your question is not that complicated. It’s unthinkable to abort an unborn child, or at least it should be. No abortion is always the best answer.
Justice would demand that someone without personal sin cannot go to hell
This does not mean that the original sin we are born into is erased. We don’t know what happens to babies who are killed before they are born, but we hope for the best.

In any event, killing a human being deprives them of all the rights that we as human beings have: To live, love, grow, shape the world, help one another, explore, discover, learn. There is nothing about abortion that is wholesome or good or right.

Oh my gosh. You just proved my theory.

Reformation.org. Tabloid-style completely unsubstantiated garbage, and THAT is what you are citing? Unbelievable.
Because its murder. Similar argument is made about euthanasia. Absurd for the same reasons, least of all because it will likely send your own soul to hell.
I am not interested in the fate of the perpetrator, only in the fate of the fetus.Of course there is also a sentiment: “There is no greater love than giving your life for another.” And giving up one’s temporal life is irrelevant compared to the giving up one’s eternal life."
I was responding to your premise that murder is loving when enacted upon someone in a state of grace.
Okay. I expect to see you Rambo’d up at the next confession session and blowing away everyone who comes out of the confessional. After all, it’s only logical.
I was responding to your premise that murder is loving when enacted upon someone in a state of grace.
Love is acting unselfishly in the best interest of another. Even making the final, greatest sacrifice. What is the problem?
I normally would say something here but I’m in awe of how ludicrous this thread became.
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