Nobody has ever provided any proofs of an infinite universe either; because in order to find that out, one would have to tranverse the infinite. Integers, do not give explanation to why an infinite univerese, as a whole, should or ought to exist. You your self have to first think of intergers, before they become real ideas, regardless of them being infinite.Unfortunately you have not provided one scintilla of logically sound argumentation in support of that premise. .
The five ways, may not be air tight proofs, but it fits with logic in respect of an ultimate explanation for movement. The contradiction in an infinite universe, is not that it is infinite, but that an infinite chain of objects have been moving for an infinite duration; and therefore, the chain as an **infinite whole **rather then indivisual parts, has no reason for being in state of movement. In order for something to be in movement it needs an unmoved mover.
It is deceptive to focus on each indivisual cause, becuase any cause that makes up the universe as a **“whole”, **which isn’t an ultimate cause, isn’t really a cuase by its own power; its an effect, and is only a “co-cuase” in relation to the next object. One needs to find out, where the cause motion **ultimately **came from; and so any proir finite cause, cannot, by definition, provide that answer. If you saw a chain dangling from the sky, you would not think, infinite regress, by just looking at the indivisual links for an explaination. You would think that it came from somewhere. You would think about where the chain as a “whole”, has come from; not where the indivisual links have come from. A reasonable person will not be satisfied with an infinite regress as an anwser, especailly if a person is aware that an unmoved mover can serve as a better explanation for its existents.
An infinite universe, need only be considered if there is no other explanation; but i see no reason to “favor” an infinite universe.
The causes them selves, do not explain where causation came from. The person who subscribes to an infinite universe does away with the reason to look for an ultimate cause. But once you focus on causitive chain as a whole, an infinite universe exists for no reason; it goes outside the realm of logic. Indivisual causitive reasons become some what deceptive, because the **infinite movement **of things is not explained. I cannot prove that an ultimate cuase exists, but it does provide a more logical explanation, then infinite regress. Thomas aquiness provides answers for why anything ultimately exists in a state of movement; but an infinite regress simply ingnores the qeustion, and expresses that things have always moved. Which doesn’t seem reasonable to me.