That’s what you need to provide some argumentation for in order to prove. As I pointed out an infinite set is obtained in the limit of number of additions going to infinity.
I enjoyed your replys, and i have become aware of the flaws you pointed out; but i thought i’d have another go.
The problem of infinity
If something is going onto infinity, then how can it be trully infinite? It doesn’t seem to me that your speaking of a trully infinite set of something; rather you speaking about a mathematical principle of something. I wish you could show me how integers relate to the real world of cuase and effect.
I argue that, even though we can imagine the concept of an infinite series of finite cuases, would it not be the case that an infinite set of causes, in truth, would be “static”; as in, we can observe that one thing has come before an other(only from outside the universe), but because there is an **infinite past **and an
infinite future, we cannot observe “cuasitive duration”. If there isn’t an infinite future, but only a potential one; then there is a point in time that we can certainly call number one(the present moment), from which we can concieve of counting back into the past. So if the future is potentailly finite, then it is not totally bassless to assume that the past is finite. Unless we percieve time as being wholly separate from matter, i don’t see how we can have a passing of moments(cuasitive duration) with an already existing future—a chain of events stretching to infinity. But theres the thing; it doesn’t seem reasonable to have an infinite progress either. If an actual infinite cannot be reached by addition, then why is it reasonable that one can reach an infinite regress? It doesn’t seem to me that an actual infinity exists; becuase, finite numbers, in a causitive duration, will only reach a finite number of things. The same goes when we speak of a regress; we can’t speak of it of being infinite, because the past, no matter how long it indures, it will always be finite in number!!!
Thats my proof that the universe is finite in nature!!!
The only explanation you have given me is integers, which strikes me as nothing more then the magic of abstract numbers, rather then real tangible reality. Can you please teach me Integers? Maybe I’m missing something? Maybe I,m running into the same floor.
An infinite universe does not disprove God.
Please note, I personally don’t have a problem with an infinite regress, i believe that every cause in that regress has a “nature of being”; which is the reason for why a thing is a ball rather then a triangle. I argue that this cannot be explained by a mere natural cause. Take for instance, the nature of “cuase and effect”, or the “nature of infinity”; such explanations would have to transverse or transcend the physical world. Why not an infinite chain of pink elephants? It seems self evident that a nature of something is more then the sum of its natural cause( whether the universe is infinite or not); this reminds me of Platos “forms”. In this respect, it seems that it is evident that there can be a cause; or unmoved mover to an infinite universe; but such a cause or mover would have to be outside the boudries of natural causes and effects. For there to be an infinite chain of cause and effect, there has to be an unchanging nature which is above but united with the cause; for to say that the laws of nature, gave itself the laws of nature, seems to be contradictory. We can refuse these things an explanation, but what is interesting, is that when we do look for one, we necessarily transcend the objects nature. A thing can certainly be actualised and explained by a natural cause; but it doesn’t necessarilly follow that the prior cause has endowed the effect with the nature of being an effect— the effect has come from the cause—most certainly—but only becuase there is the “nature of effect”, by which the effect exists. For instance a quark is a quark, because it has a nature of a quark; but the quarks nature cannot be explained by the quark. We have to neccesarily look outside of it.
What do you think?
Its my attempt at trying to be inteligent