You are pushing falsehoods against Rudy Giuliani.
(Edit: For instance,) In the film you mention, he was NOT under the impression she was 14. She was posing as a conservative journalist. The idea that she was 14 came about as Borat jumped out and said the punchline that she’s 14, she’s “too old for you.”
In the scene, you can see high editing as well. If you watch closely, you can even see “ghost” fragments, part of video that isn’t in the final cut.
I write this as someone’s good name is on the line here, and as a Catholic that’s pretty important. Also, be careful with the court cases. He’s recently won in PA, for instance, and the news tried saying the team retracted (edit: a large claim of) a suit that it in fact did not (fake news!). You have to be careful here. Regardless what you think, this was a strange election. Record turnout, high levels of mail-in ballots, an incumbent getting over 10 million more votes than when first elected and still the projected loser. The first time in, what, 150 years that a presidential candidate wins without Ohio or Florida (the exception is JFK beating Nixon, but most historians agree JFK won due to fraud). It’s all very strange, and making sure everything is fine is no crime. When results are certified, there is still time for the president elect to be briefed, though I think giving briefings while not conceding may have been the way to go.