"A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING" Sunday May 17 at 1:30 PM EDT on EWTN (Television): Where did political correctness, gender conflict, gender confusion, Cu

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Here it is…
Very well written, HsD. Excellent post.

If you have to go to war, then read Sun Tzsu. If you want to go into politics, read Alinski.
Read both.

I have The Art Of War but, regrettably, have never read it all the way through (I don’t think, I could be wrong, 57 years of reading is a lot of reading). I made it a point to read Rules For Radicals a few years ago. Knocked it out in two or three hours, and I read very slowly (deliberation, not disability).

Machiavelli’s The Prince is also a must-read. That, and Rerum novarum.
”Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.“

Now, this doesn’t necessarily qualify him as a “follower” but…yikes!
I really want to think that he said this for shock value, not as a tribute to the evil one.
Lots of fun and instructive vids on Alinsky:
Anything WFB took a knife to, is worth watching on general principles.
Can you think of anyone who calls for some group to be cast as an ‘enemy’ who must be demonized? Anyone who uses ridicule as a weapon? Who personalises threats and polarises the argument? Who picks tactics that his supporters enjoy? Who prefers to push negatives? Who casts about for a ‘common enemy’ to rally the troops? Who treats people as symbols and not personalities?
Are you referring to any of the following?:
  1. Adam Schiff
  2. Nancy Pelosi
  3. James Comey
  4. John Brennan
  5. Andrew McCabe
  6. Peter Strzok
  7. their media
  8. All of the above
  9. None of the above
I forgot to identify the broadcast time of “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” as May 17 at 1:30 PM EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Not the first time I’ve omitted the “EST”. Sorry.

(Thanks for identifying the additional May 24th showing.)
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Can you think of anyone who calls for some group to be cast as an ‘enemy’ who must be demonized? Anyone who uses ridicule as a weapon? Who personalises threats and polarises the argument? Who picks tactics that his supporters enjoy? Who prefers to push negatives? Who casts about for a ‘common enemy’ to rally the troops? Who treats people as symbols and not personalities?
Are you referring to any of the following?:
  1. Adam Schiff
  2. Nancy Pelosi
  3. James Comey
  4. John Brennan
  5. Andrew McCabe
  6. Peter Strzok
  7. their media
  8. All of the above
  9. None of the above
I’m glad that you see the tactics espoused by Alinsky can be used by all flavours of politics. Someone tried to point that out earlier.

Oh yeah, it was me…
His aims were to give a voice to those who had none. To take power away from those who failed to use it responsibly.
You’re entitled to your opinion of him, but I don’t believe it for a second. A man who wants to see suffering in order to radicalize an additional portion of the population does not care about people. And a man who dedicates his seminal work to Satan, as he did, is not worthy of anyone’s trust.
Could you elaborate? I’m not sure what would make you bring up the Jesuits in particular?
The end justifying the means is ethically unsupportable. I just had training under the Jesuits in ethics and theology
but very arguably Saul opted to actually follow Lucifer of whom Saul revered.
We can disagree with people, however, to make such a claim you need to be able to document it.
so you argue

Observe: I never claimed .that Saul was in fact a Luciferian!
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I have watched this twice before and thanks for sharing it is on today.
each time I watch it brings new insights.
I had several posts on the thread rather negative toward him, posts that have disappeared.
That is quite scary. We are talking about a man who’s tactics are to ensure the communication of the enemy is not heard. And… no more post.
I just caught the subtlety of your comment. Leftists try to eliminate communication of ideas they disagree with. They fear actual debate.
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But the OP is about Saul Alinsky - who connects with Lucifer - and not about your preferences, yes?
I don’t know if Alinsky connects with the fallen angel or not. Personally, I always felt that the supposed connection to some type of Alinsky training was in and of itself a distraction by some of our conservative friends who just could not abide a ‘community activist’.

If the OP is about political theory and how it is (was) employed by those in power, I feel that Roy Cohn’s methods is an appropriate and little-investigated subject. When the subject became the airing time of the program I think that my alternate preference was an appropriate, if somewhat snarky, mention.
I don’t know if Alinsky connects with the fallen angel or not.
In part, The OP intends to explore that very question…
and subsequent posts have contributed to presenting more INFO…
which obviously strongly argues against 'changing to the subject"…
for the sake of any one who cares to know more about Alinsky and Lucifer…
I just caught the subtlety of your comment. Leftists try to eliminate communication of ideas they disagree with. They fear actual debate.

They are very effective at controlling the flow of Information, thought and discussion,
for the express purpose of controlling the masses - and keeping themselves well-hidden.

AntiChrist-ianity has its minions… which go way beyond the Saul Alinsky’s of this planet
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