If you’ve seen it then give us your personal impressions as to the validity of political tactics. I’ve given a few examples of specific Alinsky rules that anyone with a tv set would recognise as Trumps modus operandi. Are they acceptable if he uses them but not if the left does?
Tactics can be morally ambiguous, and dependent on other factors.
For example, the tactic “Divide and conquor”.
Unity in itself is neither good nor bad; it begs the question, “
Unity in WHAT?” Unity in the Good - as in God - is a great good, and to seek to “divide and conquer” - to divide people away from one another in Christ and from God is an immense evil. That is the tactic straight out of hell.
Unity in sin; unity in godlessness, in falsity, in lies, is very bad. It forms a “culture of sin”, a “culture of darkness and death” presenting a social environment that becomes a culture of temptation for young and weak souls. Thus to seek to “Divide and conquer” in such a culture of death (as the culture of the secular West is today), is a very good tactic of Christian evangelization. We seek to draw people out of the false unity of evil, and into the saving unity of Truth, in Christ.
Thus “Tactics” is a misleading factor to focus on. This in itself shows another tactic used by the evil one: the tactic of distraction into things or words that seem to show a moral equivalence of two opposing forces, good and evil. They are not morally equivalent in their ends - that is a crucially important factor on the table here. An evil end destroys the acceptability of any means. A clever justification of the means used is pointless when the end itself is evil.