Religion was borne of our need of human beings to seek out the Creator and follow our conscience.
The ultimate culmination of religion is the Catholic faith, and every other religion is a lesser form down to the most primitive religions.
Atheism is similar to a religion in that it is an ideological system but it’s precepts are based on a rejection of God, no different from the devil. Atheism is evil, pure and simple.
Regarding the claim that Hitler was Christian somehow because of his upbringing it takes more than exposure to Christian to be a member. Hitler hated Christians and God as well, like a classic atheist, yet he wasn’t going to let the German populace know this as they were very Christian in identity. After Hitler had established his socialist state he could “wean” the German people from their Christian ideals.
Stalin was exposed to Christianity as a child but he was an avid Atheist because socialism does not tolerate anything higher than the State.
Regarding the claim that Germany was not socialist because they had private businesses, no one in their right mind would claim China is a capitalist country yet they are the largest producer of goods in the world and as such Nazi Germany was a socialist system similar to China today.
Socialism in it’s purest form is communism but many systems of socialism can exist in various degrees. The main precept of socialism is that the state takes precedence over God in a society as the moral authority and would seek to replace this authority as justification for laws and policies.
The ultimate culmination of religion is the Catholic faith, and every other religion is a lesser form down to the most primitive religions.
Atheism is similar to a religion in that it is an ideological system but it’s precepts are based on a rejection of God, no different from the devil. Atheism is evil, pure and simple.
Regarding the claim that Hitler was Christian somehow because of his upbringing it takes more than exposure to Christian to be a member. Hitler hated Christians and God as well, like a classic atheist, yet he wasn’t going to let the German populace know this as they were very Christian in identity. After Hitler had established his socialist state he could “wean” the German people from their Christian ideals.
Stalin was exposed to Christianity as a child but he was an avid Atheist because socialism does not tolerate anything higher than the State.
Regarding the claim that Germany was not socialist because they had private businesses, no one in their right mind would claim China is a capitalist country yet they are the largest producer of goods in the world and as such Nazi Germany was a socialist system similar to China today.
Socialism in it’s purest form is communism but many systems of socialism can exist in various degrees. The main precept of socialism is that the state takes precedence over God in a society as the moral authority and would seek to replace this authority as justification for laws and policies.