I don’t think it’s valid to say ‘who started abortions’, Cena. They have been performed for many tens of thousands of years. I neither think that it is productive to talk about who’s fault it is (Christian Courts? Liberalism? Lack of contraception?).…but it isn’t Christians who started it in other places in the world
The fact is undeniable: there are too many being performed. And the best way to reduce the number? Well, as trite as this sounds, simply don’t have one. Easy to say from the comfort of our couch as we type and read this, but a difficult decision for many women.
But…it does rile me a little to say that my lack of a belief in gods is somehow responsible for the problem when the overwhelming majority of abortions are carried out on Christian women. And, as we are on a Catholic forum and the fact that abortion is held to be a mortal sin, it rankles further that nearly one third of those women are Catholic.
Old Brassy is pointing at me shouting: There’s the culprit! when he is surrounded by members of his own faith who are perpetuating the problem. He thinks maybe I haven’t read the bible (perhaps because I am an atheist? He is very wrong) but there’s a verse in there relating to beams and motes. You’ll find it in Matthew.