No, I think Rudolph is not saying “the end justifies the means” and if he is then I would have to reject that. Catholic doctrine teaches that one may never commit sin in the effort to combat sin. Catholic doctrine teaches that the end does not justify committing sin.I think part of the reason pro-deathers feel so threatened is because according to their own philosophical train of thought Rudolph’s manifesto is logically flawless. For years, the utilitarian justification of abortion is that too many people will suffer if one person is born, so, make one suffer for the sake of many. This is Eric Rudolph’s logic. It is completely legitimate if you are a utilitarian, and is a sound and rational response, as pro-deathers may realize.
(In other words: “THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS.”)
(Both reasons demonstrate, of course, why Catholics should not be utilitiarians.)
What Rudolph is saying is that it is not sinful to use force to defeat evil. This is in accord with Catholic doctrine that teaches that the use of deadly force to defend one’s person or the person of another from a deadly attack is morally justified and is not sinful. Rudolph is saying that a government that sanctions the killing of innocent human beings has no moral authority and should be brought down, by force if necessary.
It is not sinful to use deadly force to defend against unjust deadly force. Were this not true then noone would be able to defend their own life from those who would take it.