Abortion, Holocaust and Genocide

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Because you seem to think in general that jail is a deterrent for any criminal, whatever the crime. Criminals don’t care.
Stop this nonsense! Yes I speed sometimes. So what.

By the way when abortion was previously illegal in the US it is estimated that yearly up to 1.2 million illegal abortions took place so your theory that jailing a few will make it stop does not add up.
Do your own research! I’ve given you a start.

Abortion is a terrible thing but whether it is legal or illegal it will sadly and tragically continue.
I would like it stopped but I cannot see how it can be stopped.
Well I hope you are right but frankly even if it is made illegal I cannot see heavy punishments being inflicted, certainly not jail.
While I find abortion a despicable act people also have to come up with a practical solution and jailing millions of people will not work.
Just jailing the doctors would be good enough.
Outlawing abortion will not stop it - but it will reduce it.

There’s a saying, “morality follows the law.” Lots of things become more likely when they are decriminalized (pot use?) and the opposite is true. Lots of people won’t so drugs because they fear the legal consequences if they are caught. Also, if abortion is illegal it will be less available.
God willing abortion will cease worldwide at some point in the future.
And home do it yourself. Certain natural herbs possess abortifacient properties that may help one deal with their undesired pregnancy without any sort of surgery.
Your arguments have been the most absurd I have ever read on this forum. Not only should abortion be illegal but those that do the abortion and some of those that seek the abortion should be imprisoned for life. Your apathy towards the plight of the unborn is startling and will pray for you.
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It really is that simple. Let me give a little lesson in American civics. We have the Supreme Court which allowed awhile ago the “right to an abortion”. Now that the court will have a great 6-3 conservative slant this decision will go back to the states to decide, as it should have been. The states will then write the law and the punishments. Really not that difficult. If it wasn’t for the Supreme Court decision many states would already have this law on the books.
Well if you are so versed then why are you struggling so much to understand?
You enforce the laws by arresting them. I don’t care if the prison population increases. I don’t care if women go to other states. The next step would be evangelization, state laws and enforcement, culture change, and then a constitutional amendment. Murder is unacceptable and we need to leverage our institutions to the maximum.
Your answer is implied within the question. I would say that the majority of people do not consider it to be murder. I think you’d have known that anyway. And I’m pretty certain that you’d know why they don’t consider it such. Not because they don’t consider it human (the egg and the sperm are human even before they join), but because a lot of people don’t consider (for example) the few cells a woman is carrying just after conception to be a person.

And despite there being no bright line when it does, there is obviously a difference in how people perceive that which a woman is carrying a few days after conception to what she is carrying a few days before birth.

I don’t think that this is an aspect of abortion that has a solution. So trying to reduce abortions by concentrating on this aspect of the problem will not succeed. You’re going to need to work on how to prevent women who don’t want a child getting pregnant in the first place (and accepting that most of them will not simply stop having sex) or providing a system whereby the reasons she didn’t want one (which are many and varied) can be addressed.
So what if the majority judge that an unborn child is not worthy of life? As catholics we believe otherwise. The content of our faith does not bow to majorities.
It’s only a majority decicion if it’s legal or not. The decision as to the morality of the act is for the individual to decide. Presumably you have come to a personal decision that what the church teaches is correct.
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