There are no absolute rights. “Rights” are granted by governments.
Correction: rights granted by governments are all your views can sustain.
Which is why it is strange why you seem to care that much about them. As you say:
For the time being, the Western governments would treat one as a criminal, if they wanted to take blood from someone, if the person did not consent. Of course such laws could be changed. If the government would declare a state of emergency and would introduce “temporary” measures that would make it mandatory to donate one’s blood or bone marrow, then the “bodily autonomy” argument would be declared null and void. But, for the time being it is alive an well.
In fact no “state of emergency” is necessary. A couple of elections won by people with different views, and your rights might change.
Of course, natural rights would stay the same, but you reject natural law.
And that seems to leave you with not much to say.
You can say that forbidding abortion is not compatible with the law and customs as they exist in most Western countries right now. But we already know that - we are discussing how to change law and customs.
Or you can say that you do not like the change. But we already know that too. We just don’t think it makes that much of a difference.
Or you can say that you will resist in some way. But we know that too (you are doing so already (here)).
Or you can say that… Um, I guess there isn’t much left, unless we counting obvious distractions…
The right to live is not the same thing as the right to be kept alive by another person. So just because the fetus depends on the woman’s body for life, doesn’t mean he has a right to be there or a right to use it. We must figure out how the fetus obtains the right to be there, and when the mother’s rights overcome the fetus’ welcome.
You mean you want a lecture of Biology from us or what?
Seriously, reproduction is a natural process. And it is wrong to try to sabotage that process. It’s that simple.
Also, I guess you would benefit from reading some related blog posts and papers, for example,,…