Abortion, Trump, and Catholicism

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Let me start this thread of by saying that I believe that abortion in wrong. People that use abortion as a means of contraceptive do not know what the harm they are doing to themselves, their souls, to God, and their unborn child. We must pray for those misguided people. I also know that abortion is used to save the mother’s life if the baby is growing in the wrong place. There are people out there that have perform abortions on themselves unsafely and damaged their womb and have died as they felt the need because of rape, incest, etc. Although I know abortions are wrong, I can’t help but think that if regulated and done properly in certain circumstances we can greatly help our community.

Now, just because the trump administration is pushing greatly for anti abortion laws. Should we just brush to the side everything else that he does until he accomplishes this task? I have heard the reasoning of God can use anyone for his Will. Also, do you have to be a republican to be a true Catholic?
This is going to be another one of those party political threads which end up going nowhere , and produces a lot of hot air .

But miracles do happen , so I may be proved wrong . 🙃

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I can’t help but think that if regulated and done properly in certain circumstances we can greatly help our community.
You are under the very greatest misapprehension. The deliberate murder of innocent children is inherently evil.
Christ’s Church is above partisan politics.

If you don’t like American politicians like Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, et al.; so be it. Remember that a nation gets the government they deserve. We need to look in the mirror and ask what we deserve.
Should we just brush to the side everything else that he does
What has he done that is so awful?

Other than his tariff policies I can’t really think of anything.
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Let me start this thread of by saying that I believe that abortion in wrong. People that use abortion as a means of contraceptive do not know what the harm they are doing to themselves, their souls, to God, and their unborn child. We must pray for those misguided people. I also know that abortion is used to save the mother’s life if the baby is growing in the wrong place. There are people out there that have perform abortions on themselves unsafely and damaged their womb and have died as they felt the need because of rape, incest, etc. Although I know abortions are wrong, I can’t help but think that if regulated and done properly in certain circumstances we can greatly help our community.
Re: abortion
from: the CCC
Now, just because the trump administration is pushing greatly for anti abortion laws. Should we just brush to the side everything else that he does until he accomplishes this task? I have heard the reasoning of God can use anyone for his Will. Also, do you have to be a republican to be a true Catholic?
The Republican party platform is pro life

check out the links on the Democrat party platform ( absurdly over the top pro abortion) position. Example, here

Catholics can’t vote for pro abortion, when a pro life position is a choice, and think their soul is going to be okay.
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Should we just brush to the side everything else that he does until he accomplishes this task?
No. Maintain a level head and support what is right, reject what is not.
Also, do you have to be a republican to be a true Catholic?
No. Neither of the two major American political parties consistently reflect the dignity of human life. You could support a third party or advocate for change within the Democratic or Republican parties.
Last question first…NO, you do not need to be a republican to be pro-life, there is an awesome organization that walks and chews gum at the same time (are pro-active in legislation) called Democrats for Life. Look at their web page, they can definitely boast of action in the area of pro-life. Also, pro-life is not limited by any means to the unborn, there are many issues related to dignity, human rights, and morality within all stages of the human life span…including thoughts on the death penalty, Regarding the bulk of your post, a conception outside of the womb (ectopic pregnancy) must be removed. However since this would not be considered a normal growing fetus respective to development and places the mother in great danger, there will be a need for obstetricians who can perform obstetrical procedures to save a life and preserve the ability for a woman to conceive again. An abortion from the womb of a healthy developing fetus cannot be justified, but by all means we are not meant to demonize women that feel they have no options. The main underlying reasons have yet to be addressed by this current administration, poverty, medical care, education and good nutrition are aspects of the cycle of poverty most overlooked. Stock markets and tax reductions aren’t the answer to this dilemma.
Trump will be the new Holy Roman Emperor, all must recognize him as the supreme ruler of Christendom, failure to do so will result in excommunication.
As you noted, abortion is the killing of innocent human life. Thus, it should not be protected by any laws and should be outlawed. Even if having abortion on the lawbooks, it still does not make it right. The ends do not justify the means.

As for being a republican and Catholic, I’m a libertarian. There are no rules about what political party you have to belong to as a Catholic.
I can’t help but think that if regulated and done properly in certain circumstances we can greatly help our community.
Didn’t Margaret Sanger say something similar to this?
The issue is not whether Trump is the perfect candidate. He obviously isn’t. He is one of two candidates, well, three actually, that were running in the general election. The main question you have to ask is would the alternatives have offered a platform that was more in line with our ethics and values as Christians, or less? There are many issues that people had to consider when they cast their votes: abortion rights vs. right of life; open borders vs. rule of law; increased federal spending vs. well more increased federal spending; judicial picks that uphold or restrict religious freedom, freedom of the press, right to bear arms, increase in federal power, etc. There were a host of issues that one had to consider when casting their vote. Unfortunately, the secular world is a messy place to live. All we can do is pray for those in power to make wise, godly decisions, and obey the authority to the extent that they don’t force us to disobey God.
Last question first…NO, you do not need to be a republican to be pro-life, there is an awesome organization that walks and chews gum at the same time (are pro-active in legislation) called Democrats for Life. Look at their web page, they can definitely boast of action in the area of pro-life.
When they change the platform of the Democrat party, from pro abortion at any stage of life to pro life from conception to natural death, THEN that party will be considered pro life. Until then it’s the party of death.
Also, pro-life is not limited by any means to the unborn, there are many issues related to dignity, human rights, and morality within all stages of the human life span…including thoughts on the death penalty,
how many died in this country due to the death penalty?

2017 statistics by state 23 convicts were executed
  1. look how many years it took for each criminal to go through the court system
  2. look at those the criminal murdered
2014 statistics for abortions by state 926,240 infanticides
Regarding the bulk of your post, a conception outside of the womb (ectopic pregnancy) must be removed. However since this would not be considered a normal growing fetus respective to development and places the mother in great danger, there will be a need for obstetricians who can perform obstetrical procedures to save a life and preserve the ability for a woman to conceive again. An abortion from the womb of a healthy developing fetus cannot be justified, but by all means we are not meant to demonize women that feel they have no options. The main underlying reasons have yet to be addressed by this current administration, poverty, medical care, education and good nutrition are aspects of the cycle of poverty most overlooked. Stock markets and tax reductions aren’t the answer to this dilemma.
In Trumps time, food stamp levels have reduced to levels closer to 2010 statistics. When Obama left office the numbers who were on food stamps were the highest EVER.
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The ends don’t justify the means. So even if it did help society, abortion should not be allowed.
His tariff policies are perhaps the most brilliant of what he has done. Those wanting to order junk from red China and continue to fund their Communism and atrocious work conditions should be criticized rather than Trump.
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Yeah you should go ahead and read an economics book on why tariffs are bad, particularly for the country instituting them.
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