Abortion, Trump, and Catholicism

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Every single supreme court justice is asked if they’ll overturn it if it comes up. They’ve all said no.
Every single supreme court justice is asked if they’ll overturn it if it comes up. They’ve all said no.
Again, could you back that up with details, supporting sources, because Gorsuch didn’t say so explicitly, nomatter how many google searches I’ve done.

It was my impression they didn’t state how they would pre-rule (have prejudice) on anything.
Because he’s not some pansy liberal throwing open our borders to every third world savage that can stumble across it, he’s not kissing the rear ends of the socialist leaders of europe, and he just in general sends leftists into a fit of rage.
Wow. That’s hideous.
As for sin, when we vote, we are to vote for the greater good. When the choice is between pro life and pro death, in the party we vote for, we are to vote pro life…to quote you

Donald Trump nor any republican does not vote for life for me. YOU would have to prove to me that pro-life ( the relation you believe to be pro-life, I call pro-birth) is guaranteed when and only when a republican is in office or is the majority of the Supreme Court. This would be impossible for you to do as you’ve conveniently rolled over that tid-bit about 6 of the 7 Supreme Court judges that gave us Roe v Wade were voted in by Republican Presidents.
History isn’t siding with Mr. Steve.
Also, I would highly recommend the encyclical Rerum Novarum, and the re-iterated version by Saint John Paul II on it’s centennial anniversary, Centesimus Annus. There will be very little in support of djt’s policies, but it’s an excellent refresher for those of the Catholic Faith.
Single issue concerns and voters such as Mr. Steve, I’m unimpressed by. The immorality of the lies witnessed by a prior impeached president of the U.S. they refuse to correlate to this current president but applaud him as wonderful. When you can read instances of a man (any man) that endorsed imminent domain for casino parking lot structures, or pay small/local business contractors pennies on the dollar you owe them AND eventually claim business bankruptcy…I cannot applaud that with the masses that do…Perhaps an enrollment in Trump University would have been to my benefit…hahaha
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Squat toilets are a thing that exist in many countries. And are indeed indoor.

I’d try the term “people”.
As for sin, when we vote, we are to vote for the greater good. When the choice is between pro life and pro death, in the party we vote for, we are to vote pro life…to quote you


Donald Trump nor any republican does not vote for life for me. YOU would have to prove to me that pro-life ( the relation you believe to be pro-life, I call pro-birth) is guaranteed when and only when a republican is in office or is the majority of the Supreme Court.
Ever hear of the Mexico city policy? Trump’s expansion that as you can see is NOT a Trump friendly site. They probably hate his guts. But you can see how pro life it is. The guy is doing what he said he would do.
This would be impossible for you to do as you’ve conveniently rolled over that tid-bit about 6 of the 7 Supreme Court judges that gave us Roe v Wade were voted in by Republican Presidents.
After reading that previous link, I think you know what I’m saying

Not to make this about Trump…
History isn’t siding with Mr. Steve.
Also, I would highly recommend the encyclical Rerum Novarum, and the re-iterated version by Saint John Paul II on it’s centennial anniversary, Centesimus Annus. There will be very little in support of djt’s policies, but it’s an excellent refresher for those of the Catholic Faith.
Speaking of St JPII the Great,

he used this quote after arriving in the USA, particularly addressing our horrible reputation of abortion and funding that horrible act internationally.

" I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live," From Gen 30

So Denny,

all I’m doing is giving you information. What you do with it is your business. As for me, I vote pro life.
You haven’t looked very hard. https://democratsforlife.org
While I support Democrats for Life, I do not think they will ever be successful. The Democratic Party is now a member of an international association of socialist parties around the world, called the Progressive Alliance.

On the other hand, the Republicans are part of the International Democrat Union which has at least 6 Christian Parities as members.

As I have always said: The Republican Party is not perfect but it would be much easier to bring the Republican Party totally in line with Catholic Social teachings (esp on the State Level) vs the Democratic Party. The Democrats booed God at their last National Convention. I hate to say it, but I don’t think Democrats for Life and other faithful Christian Democrats are going to be able to save the party.

When Republicans appear to be against the poor, etc. it’s only because Republicans believe social programs should be handled on the state/local level, not the federal level. Many Republicans who are against federal safety nets are pro safety nets on the state/local level.

The Democrats already quietly & officially embraced socialism/Marxism when they joined the Progressive Alliance, now they are starting to declare it publicly.

God save our nation and world.
I think her overall point was the hypocrisy in saying you’re “pro-life,” when that often means nothing more than being anti-abortion.

I thought it at least somewhat related to this thread, considering the OP seems to be anti-Trump’s policies on other things (besides abortion).
the Vatican published an official apostolic exhortation titled “Gaudete et Exsultate” (“Rejoice and Be Glad”) in which Pope Francis argued that, in order to live a life of “holiness,” Christians around the world should welcome “migrants” of all types into their countries as their “brothers and sisters” and provide them with welfare.
Francis also suggested that people who regard helping “migrants” as secondary in importance to stopping abortions are bad Christians who have lost focus on what is important in life. The Pope did not directly address what he thinks of Christians who believe in national sovereignty and borders.
The central premise of Francis’s argument comes from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25, in which Jesus told his followers that they would be judged by God based on whether or not they had helped the needy. Francis explained [emphasis in bold mine throughout]:
In the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel (vv. 31-46), Jesus expands on the Beatitude that calls the merciful blessed. If we seek the holiness pleasing to God’s eyes, this text offers us one clear criterion on which we will be judged. “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me” (vv. 35-36).
Indeed, performing good works and providing charity for the downtrodden are both essential callings for all Christians, but what does this necessarily have to do with “migrants”? Before making his case for an inextricable link between supporting open borders and charity, however, Francis took the opportunity to attack pro-life Christians who dedicate their focus to issues like abortion and even insinuated that they do not do enough to help the poor:
The other harmful ideological error is found in those who find suspect the social engagement of others, seeing it as superficial, worldly, secular, materialist, communist or populist. Or they relativize it, as if there are other more important matters, or the only thing that counts is one particular ethical issue or cause that they themselves defend. Our defense of the innocent unborn, for example, needs to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each person, regardless of his or her stage of development.Equally sacred, however, are the lives of the poor, those already born, the destitute, the abandoned and the underprivileged, the vulnerable infirm and elderly exposed to covert euthanasia, the victims of human trafficking, new forms of slavery, and every form of rejection. We cannot uphold an ideal of holiness that would ignore injustice in a world where some revel, spend with abandon and live only for the latest consumer goods, even as others look on from afar, living their entire lives in abject poverty.

No Steve. You are clearly Pro-Birth alone. Donald Trumps empathy and compassion for migrants is against the Gospel, and his focus is through a lens that views everything by way of profit, clearly.
YOU would have to prove to me that pro-life ( the relation you believe to be pro-life, I call pro-birth) is guaranteed when and only when a republican is in office or is the majority of the Supreme Court. This would be impossible for you to do as you’ve conveniently rolled over that tid-bit about 6 of the 7 Supreme Court judges that gave us Roe v Wade were voted in by Republican Presidents.
To reiterate a previous question to you: Based on your view of the term ‘pro-life’, who in the last election was acceptable, and perhaps who in 2020 is acceptable?

Being able to be born is kind of a fundamental right that kind of triumphs all others in a certain way. Of course I want to help all my fellow human beings to the best of my ability.
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the Vatican published an official apostolic exhortation titled “Gaudete et Exsultate” (“Rejoice and Be Glad”) in which Pope Francis argued that, in order to live a life of “holiness,” Christians around the world should welcome “migrants” of all types into their countries as their “brothers and sisters” and provide them with welfare…
[snip for space]

No Steve. You are clearly Pro-Birth alone.
Re: immigration & welfare, and “birth alone”

If you opened up links as given and read them, you wouldn’t make such errors over and over again.

Excerpt, from the link you wouldn’t open

Re: welfare and birth alone

"Because the US is the largest global donor on health, the rule is likely to undermine progress on improving health.

* Women and girls in about 60 low- and middle-income countries will have less access to contraception, resulting in more unintended pregnancies, and more—often unsafe—abortions.
* The restrictions will cause easily preventable maternal deaths, both due to unsafe abortion and to an increase in unplanned pregnancies in places where rates of maternal mortality are already high.

Read the context, open the link. See what Trump did.

Do you see that contraception and unplanned pregnancy, gets at the subject of life before actual birth? So your charge of me being interested in “birth alone” is false.
Donald Trumps empathy and compassion for migrants is against the Gospel, and his focus is through a lens that views everything by way of profit, clearly.

Re: immigration, & welfare

The USA, receives more immigrants / yr than any other country on the planet. Immigrants ALSO receive more help from this country,(welfare) than any other immigrant in any other country.


Re: health care in the world,

what did the link say that I gave you that you, wouldn’t open, about the US as health care donor?

"the US is the largest global donor on health"

Seems to me if the rest of the world caught up with us, and paid their fair share as well, things would be MUCH better.
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For most conscientious Catholics, the migrants carry as much weight as those of the unborn within their vulnerability and their helplessness being dependent on the mercy of others.
Actually the unborn carry much in common with their migrant brothers and sisters. Both migrants and the unborn have someone saying that their privilege and “right to be here” is based on preference, laws, and how their being will affect others in the most selfish of ways, all the while both advocates against them believe they do well within justifying their denials of acceptance. The Church has spoken out on both, and has NOT given a weightier credence to either. If anything Pope Francis chides the pro-lifer with his failure to love the neighbor he can see, touch, and hear.
No Steve, you indeed are strictly pro-birth…
The difference between you and I, is I can see the necessity for protection of both the unborn and the migrant as he/she seeks a better life for their child, which Holy Mother Church within Her wisdom has deemed a “Right”…Pope Francis has stated DACA is actually a Pro-Life issue.
President Trump hasn’t a clue on morality, why would he have insight on this? His job dealings were dirty, and his marriage certainly wasn’t chaste…now he can weigh in on ethical morality? hmmmm
For most conscientious Catholics, the migrants carry as much weight as those of the unborn within their vulnerability and their helplessness being dependent on the mercy of others.
Actually the unborn carry much in common with their migrant brothers and sisters. Both migrants and the unborn have someone saying that their privilege and “right to be here” is based on preference, laws, and how their being will affect others in the most selfish of ways, all the while both advocates against them believe they do well within justifying their denials of acceptance. The Church has spoken out on both, and has NOT given a weightier credence to either. If anything Pope Francis chides the pro-lifer with his failure to love the neighbor he can see, touch, and hear.
No Steve, you indeed are strictly pro-birth…
The difference between you and I, is I can see the necessity for protection of both the unborn and the migrant as he/she seeks a better life for their child, which Holy Mother Church within Her wisdom has deemed a “Right”…Pope Francis has stated DACA is actually a Pro-Life issue.
President Trump hasn’t a clue on morality, why would he have insight on this? His job dealings were dirty, and his marriage certainly wasn’t chaste…now he can weigh in on ethical morality? hmmmm
Again you don’t address what was said, you ignore it, and just go off on your own tangent.
One of the most interesting things to me is to see pro-birthers speak about the affairs of the unborn AFTER they are here…hahaha…You see them in the eyes of the migrant and many of those born into a life of little to no privilege or advantage…They applaud corporate tax breaks while they simultaneously yelp for Pro-Life and see it as an economical ‘good’ for the poor awaiting trickle down, while these same live in a country that has not managed to eradicate homelessness, or the need for food, good education and medical/dental care.
The unborn grow once they are born. Abortion has a correlation to poverty.
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