Does pain have to be exactly as you understand it? ie you feel a pain from a pinch? Your sources say that pain includes:
Statement by Dr. Paul Ranalli: … his belief that a fetus … can feel pain…a fetus will “withdraw from painful stimulation”
Pain has been described as a multidimensional phenomena for some time (Melzack & Casey, 1968), and this understanding is reflected in the current IASP definition of pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage” (Merskey, 1991).
Both talk about unpleasent sensory (name removed by moderator)ut, but the difference between YOUR (remember Jack, these are your quotes…) sources, the first says, if it is unpleasent (name removed by moderator)ut, you shy away from it, this is basic instincts. The second states that pain comes from that which will hurt you. Both of which most people will agree with. BUT, the second also implies that if you don’t actually have an understanding and be conscious of all that is happening it isn’t painful, which I find laughable. Are they saying that until a baby actually has the consious ability to recognize, say, a pincher pulling on it’s skin, it can not be called pain?
Again, in simple terms, how are you defining pain.
Oh, and Jack, you didn’t answer any of my last responses to you.