About an Atheistic Sister with many Questions and much Church History

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I never told her, but I think she knows but just doesn’t take it seriously.
If you could help me find the errors I would be thankful. Maybe I should make another Post on the Information I got to go safe.
I agree with you.
But it is here about that situation. As an Atheist, you could share your views on how we should talk to Atheists.

Not rash and loud, but being friendly and respect you, right?
Thank You for sharing!
Yes, I should focus on my faith development. Maybe I should create another topic or how you call this on that.

I think I will do it, after this thread is closed, because I can’t overlook two things at a time.
Thank you!
So… uhm please don’t leave the original topic and wander off into an forest of things to say…
And I am sorry if I can’t reply to each commenter.

For a reminder of the topic:
I was desperate when I started the thread. But my main Question is: did. the Church kill Homosexual Persons?

I found a commenter who did clarify me on that. I forgot the name, but the talked, no wrote about a council.
I should close this thread, but I am not sure how.

Thank You all for your participation.
💛 😊🙂
And thank you all for all the new Information! It was really a wave, and I will try to see it all and read it all.

And thank You all for your encouragement. And when you want to note my sister please do not talk bad about her.

And thank You for you sharing and prayers! Please continue to pray and I hope I will be still here when my sister changes her mind and tries to listen to my answers.

Thank you all!
I hope I can find a way to close this and I will open up another thread with a more defined topic.

💛 ❤️ 😊 🙏
I should close this thread, but I am not sure how.
If you want to close the thread just flag the thread and let the moderator know. They will close it in a few hours (To flag, click the three dots, then the flag icon)
Now, I did see into Church History and I did read about Martin Luther, Protestantism, the French Revolution and some medieval Events.
I did also read about the Inquisition and the witch burnings which by the way came from the Protestants because the Catholics didn’t belive in witches and has to deal with the Inquisition.

But if you mean a deep dive into History, then you are right, because I am surely no Historian or professor. But do I have to be one to defend my faith?

I think I can defend the faith on the things I know. Like the first German bible which was printed was made five years before Martin Luther. There were German bibles before that.

You, see I am half German, but lived some years in Germany. They teached us about Martin Luther in Catholic Religion teaching.
That’s another topic, but two or so years later when I was more informed I became interested in apologetics, and did read mostly about Church History. So I say this to demonstrate that I know at least something.

And yes… Saints can come from complete unbelievers and sinners from believers, but I think that my sister can at least get to heaven. And we are all sinners and so, but I mean someone like my sister.
I hope I didn’t lose your topic, but you had some interesting things to say, so

Thank You!
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LOL… I’m a loner.
But if I ever were to have friends, I surely would drag them to help me!

😆 :

Unfortunately, since the 1975 American Psychological Association’s declaration prohibiting identifying homosexuality in a negative way, any real investigation of the roots of homosexuality has become taboo by many psychologists. Whenever this subject has been studied in depth by psychologists, the APA had a tendency to advocate to state boards of psychology for the removal of the psychologist’s license to practice. As such, the mainstream views of homosexuality within modern psychology are primarily based upon the assumption that there is no negative aspect to homosexual development. The only areas in which psychologists have truly been able to study homosexuality’s roots have been when taken within the strict context of “spirituality”. No matter which aspect of spirituality, whether religious or not, the general conclusions about the origins of homosexual behavior have been the same: homosexual tendencies are rooted in developmental events which (when taken alone) can also lead to a wide range of neurosis.
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I’m not saying it’s wrong, it doesn’t agree with what I’ve read but it’s not necessarily wrong. What I’m asking you for is a source for where you got the various pieces of data in your original post.
Ah… I see.
I understand it now. Thanks for clarifying. Sometimes I feel a little dumb. But yes, thank you.
I did read it. Thanks for the new Information. The talk around Homosexuality is a little bit new to me. I know what the Church teaches, but I never had more insight or so.
So thank you for sharing!
Thank You very much!
If anyone wants to share more Information with me you could -there is a private chat right?-
Well, use this chat.
But please keep it appropriate.

Thank You!
Wait… who is the moderator? I’m new here, so please understand my confusion…
Thank you!
Sometimes there are situations where the person doesn’t deserve an answer. My sister (Baptist) would literally spew out a question about Catholicism as she was going out the door. She really didn’t want an answer, she just wanted to get her digs in (she is extremely anti-Catholic). It took me a while to realize what she was doing.
I disagree. We should fight for what we believe -not with violence etc-. Like when Jesus did for us on the cross, none of us deserved it, but he still did it.
We should try to convert them, when words are not going then prayer. Or when they don’t come to the truth while they live, then we’ll pray for them after they died.

But I understand where you are coming from. You say they don’t deserve an answer because they talk bad and are not listening. I hope I got that right.
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