About an Atheistic Sister with many Questions and much Church History

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I really doubt she is interested in facts or so. She said that she got her morality from the law and so on.
But thanks!
Interesting that she said that she gets her morality from the law. Perhaps you should ask her about the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and whether those who ran the Underground Railroad were immoral. Or you could ask her about the Nazi laws that allowed the Shoah. Did the Nazis, who were following the law, act in a moral moral manner? Finally, did Rosa Parks, who did not get up for that white guy on that bus in Alabama in the 1950s, act in an immoral manner? She did not follow the law.

And if she says that those were historical and she is talking about now, ask her when did it change that laws were always moral.

A law is only as good as it respects the dignity of the human person.

As I said, you can be a theist and an atheist. Neither title refers to a world view, only your understanding of reality.
Theism is belief in one or more deities. Atheism is disbelief (or lack of belief if you prefer) in any deity. How can one person be both? That is like being a carnivorous vegan.

One’s “world view” IS their “understanding of reality”.
I really doubt she is interested in facts or so.
Right. So, when you get right down to it, she’s really just poking at you to get a rise out of you. A smile and a “have a nice day” might be your best approach.
The fact that they know black people exist is a different issue.
But in order to justify enslaving a population based on skin color one would also have to include something on the order of “those people over there are not really fully human, so it is okay to enslave them” as part of their understanding of reality. AKA world view. You are separating things that are not really different.
I think the basic issue here is that you are limiting “understanding of reality” too much. Understanding does not always mean just facts. It also includes interpretation, and can include beliefs which are not objectively true as well as opinions and priorities.
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