Island Oak:
Of course we all sin, but we don’t see the adulterer come to Mass with spouse AND mistress; the thief does not come wearing a banner to give all thieves the right to steal; the animal abuser does not enter the sanctuary while kicking a dog. So when we see these people, we don’t know their sins, or else we trust that they have confessed. But wearing your sin across your chest is unrepentant and therefore subject to different treatment by the parish.
You are right, Island Oak, but there is more to it than just being sinners. The wearing of the rainbow sash is a political, deliberately provacative action in protest of Church teachings. Wearing it to Mass is taking a physical, visible action.We’re all in the same soup in terms of our sinfulness and I think we need to carefully consider whether we really want to start publicly singling out selected sinners as more deserving of differential/exclusionary treatment.
Of course we all sin, but we don’t see the adulterer come to Mass with spouse AND mistress; the thief does not come wearing a banner to give all thieves the right to steal; the animal abuser does not enter the sanctuary while kicking a dog. So when we see these people, we don’t know their sins, or else we trust that they have confessed. But wearing your sin across your chest is unrepentant and therefore subject to different treatment by the parish.