Acbp Flynn & the Rainbow Sash Group

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If someone wore a sash celebrating their artificial contraception they should be denied communion also. This is a matter of PUBLIC scandal. Priests are obligated to deny communion if it causes public scandal. I can’t read souls, Padre Pio could, but I can see a sash. If someone walked up to Archbishop Flynn wearing a Klan costume he might think twice about giving him communion. At least I hope he would.
If someone wore a sash celebrating their artificial contraception they should be denied communion also. This is a matter of PUBLIC scandal. Priests are obligated to deny communion if it causes public scandal. I can’t read souls, Padre Pio could, but I can see a sash. If someone walked up to Archbishop Flynn wearing a Klan costume he might think twice about giving him communion. At least I hope he would.
Can we invent a “state of grace detetector” so ushers will know who to admit and who to turn away?
There is a vast difference between each individual from the congregation who walks up to receive Eucharist vs. an organized group who puts on sashes as a protest sign against the church position on living an active homosexual lifestyle and wishes to come in as a visible group protesting to a liturgy.
. If someone walked up to Archbishop Flynn wearing a Klan costume he might think twice about giving him communion. At least I hope he would.
Hasn’t he just stopped the Legionares and Regnum Christi from operating in his diocese also?
Yes, he has requested that the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi not be active in his diocese. Again, I don’t like all that he does and I don’t understand all that he does, but he does have the authority to do this. PLEASE PRAY!

Incidently, when I ask for prayers for him, I’m not being some unselfish, charitable saint. I live in this archdiocese. I’m entirely selfish in hoping that sanctity for my archbishop will trickle down to me!
We cannot be sure that Arinze did not tell him to do something that he is not passing on. This has happened before. Note Cardinal McCarrick’s neglect to pass on the actual Ratzinger memo
it doesn’t stop there. In fact, dispite the right wing rampage that something unique and unseemly was done here, we have no record of any such memos from the Vatican being passed on beyond the person they were written to on any issue at any time.
Anna Elizabeth:
Brad, I was about to post this to “fix,” because as soon as I read the article in the Catholic Spirit (the Archbishop’s newspaper), I had the same thought. I thought, "Oh boy! Here we go again. First McCarrick; now Archbishop Flynn. Have these people no shame? What do they take us for? (And, for that matter, what did they take the bishops for?) Fool us once, shame on you, etc… : :mad:

Then I “parsed” the sentences, looking for Clinton clauses, and they are there: "\
  • “I got a clear understanding.”
  • “a pastoral issue which must constantly be looked at in all its ramifications”
  • “be aware of the forces everywhere”
  • “got no sense (that the Vatican was pushing for a single policy)”
And there are more.The only excuse I could find for believing all this is that Cardinal Arinze is going to need the votes of just such bishops as Harry Flynn “when the time comes.” Since the Church thinks in terms of centuries, perhaps we had better think at least in terms of years. Cardinal Arinze’s interesting experience at Georgetown last year has doubtless put him on notice that there are strange things afoot in the US. 😦

Anyway, fix, I would withhold judgment for a while.

Yes. Strange things = evil things.
the so-called good Catholics who are catechists, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, parish council members and so forth, who are contracepting, divorced and remarried without annulments, taking their teenage daughters in for abortions and providing condoms to their sons, providing huge church weddings for their children who lived together for 5 years before marriage, cruising porn on the internet or satellite TV, hiring illegal aliens to clean their homes for less than minimum wage and no SS, cheating on their taxes, and all the others sins that beset us–what is Bishop Flynn’s take on barring them from communion? If their sins are hidden or of they are open causes for scandal, does it make a difference? Should he require everyone approaching communion to take a lie detector test to determine if they have confessed? Can we invent a “state of grace detetector” so ushers will know who to admit and who to turn away?
Nope. No need for a “state of grace” detector. They are wearing a giant “Sin is Good” banner as they approach for communion. How hard is that to detect?

By the way, I know many Catholics that don’t do those things listed above and are opposed to homosexual unions - as we are taught to be by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Please stop for a moment right now to pray for Archbishop Flynn. Bishops have a huge responsibility before God and they need our prayers! (While your at it, say a Hail Mary for those in the Rainbow Sash Movement and any other Catholics living in grave sin.)

I don’t like how the archbishop handles this group (and a number of other things for that matter), but for some reason God gave him this authority. I pray that God also gives him the grace to use this authority in a manner pleasing to God. He needs your prayers!
Yes he does. Thanks for the reminder.
it doesn’t stop there. In fact, dispite the right wing rampage that something unique and unseemly was done here, we have no record of any such memos from the Vatican being passed on beyond the person they were written to on any issue at any time.
Then perhaps he could have read the entire memo. Many Bishops said they wished they received a copy - wouldn’t it be appropriate for them to know the information seeing as they are responsible for their flock and the letter was addressed to all of them?
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