Correction to above “she [Eve] would gain the perfection or totality of knowledge which the scripture refers to as the knowledge of good and evil.”The first few chapters of Genesis are so very interesting and enlightening. The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are also very interesting subjects and they are a part of the Genesis story of Adam and Eve for obviously a good reason as the writer of Genesis was working under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
A good study of the meaning of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil should include not only modern biblical exegesis but especially what the early fathers of the church had to say about it as a number of them were outstanding in their knowledge of Holy Scripture and of the catholic faith. We could also include here doctors of the church such as St Thomas Aquinas in whom the gift of wisdom of the Holy Spirit is so manifest and who had such a great knowledge of the teaching of the fathers of the church, the Holy Scriptures, as well as philosophy.
I think the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is so called because by eating of its fruit against God’s command, Adam and Eve then knew sin or moral evil first hand or by experience. The knowledge of sin or moral evil by experience is not the kind of knowledge God wants us to have, indeed, He commands us not to sin.
Where it is written that Eve saw the tree as desirable for gaining wisdom, this was a deception by the devil when he said “God knows well that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, who know good and evil.” Aquinas says that the tree of knowledge of good and evil did not have the power to cause knowledge. As human beings naturally desire to know, the devil lied and tempted Eve that by eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree, she would gain the perfection or totality of knowledge which the scripture refers to as the knowledge of good and evil. The only knowledge Adam and Eve came to know from eating of the forbidden tree was the knowledge of sin or moral evil and disobedience and the good of obedience from experience.
Where it is written, “Then the LORD God said: See! The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil!” Biblical exegetes say this is like an ironic statement from God and I think it can mean either of two things. First, God does not know moral evil or sin firsthand nor can He, so its like an ironic statement alluding to the devil’s deception to Eve of knowing good and evil and becoming like gods. Or two, if God’s statement alludes to the perfection or totality of knowledge, this is also ironic, as creatures cannot attain to the perfection or totality of knowledge as God.
In the Douay-Rheims Bible at the Annunciation of the birth of Jesus from Mary in the first chapter of the gospel of Luke, verse 34 reads “And Mary said to the angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man?” The word “know” here means Mary has had no sexual relations with a man, she was a virgin. In the same way, our Blessed Lady does not know sin or moral evil as she is sinless. However, nobody can say that our Blessed Lady does not know the difference between good and evil or the good of obedience to God’s command and the evil of disobedience or sin for a reading of just the fall of Adam and Eve, not to mention the history of the Israelite nation, can give a person a knowledge of the good of obedience and the evil of disobedience. Our Blessed Mother’s knowledge and wisdom far surpasses any other human or angel yet she is without sin. In the same way I think, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden is so called because God gave Adam and Eve a command not to eat of it and by eating of it, Adam and Eve became to know sin; a knowledge God does not wish us to have. For sinning does not perfect our nature and love for God, but corrupts it. However, because of God’s love for human beings and because of His infinite mercy and power, He is able to draw good out of evil.
Should read: she [Eve] would gain the perfection or totality of knowledge which the **devil **refers to as the knowledge of good and evil.