I think I’ve missed more than the whole point…
We aren’t talking about people today, we are talking about the first two humans who knew only Good, they had never sinned, so were in friendship with God.
They didn’t get thrown out because of sin? I think it was because of their disobedience…
Yes they blamed each other, and that makes them sound very childish.
Actually we are speaking of People of today. You have to look at this in a deeper way.
Adam never said God I am sorry I disobeyed you, Eve never said God I am sorry I disobeyed you. They both tried to put the blame on someone else.
Although yes it is true they disobeyed God, you have to think of what sin is. Sin is death. Just like God said, you eat and you will die. But it was not a physical death it was spiritual death.
Just like today if we sin we are dead, not physically but spiritually in the soul. If we refuse to repent and admit that we used our free will to sin and disobey God, then we are the same as Adam and Eve. We will be thrown out also, but instead of the garden as Adam and Eve, its the eternal garden that we call heaven.
People miss much of the true understanding of this story. Its not just that we sin, its when we deny our sin that we will be forever separated from God. When you deny sin, you will not repent.
Look what truly happened, they heard God coming what did they do? They ran and hid, Why? They knew they sinned. But did they say Lord I am sorry for what I have done, I disobeyed you? No.
Adam never said I knew I should not have and I am sorry, first he tried to hide from God, then when that did not work instead of then repenting he tried to turn it around and blame it on God. He said YOU gave me the woman.
Then when it came to Eve she should have said I am sorry, I should have obeyed you, but she did not obey God she obeyed the devil. Again instead of admitting her sin, and guilt, she said the devil tricked me.
The devil never tricked her, she told the devil herself I am not allowed to eat it. She used free will to disobey God and listen to the devil.
This goes back to not just our sin, but our free will to sin and disobey God, and then not repent our sin.
Where in this story do you see Adam and Eve ever showing remorse for what they did?
The bottom line is they wanted to be God. They no longer wanted to obey God and his commands.
This is a great lesson here for all of us.