Ok thankyou for the correction of God to Gods.
I think its when I read :
*And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. *
Which sounds like he became like God, rather than like Gods, because there is only one God. But of course A&E thought they would become Gods themselves.
Thanks for your replies
Remember gods no capital God. But they indeed wanted to become God. Get it, how sly the devil is. He never lied to them either.
He said you won’t die if you eat. They didn’t die a physical death, but a spiritual one. Then he said you could become gods. Get it? Read in the bible how he said gods not Capital God.
That is what makes the devil so good, he always has some truth to his lies. That is how he works. Even as evil as he is, knows no one can become God. And that gods are false.
But their biggest sin in my personal opinion was not disobeying God, although indeed that was a sin, it was trying to be him.
See one of our Commandments are this. I AM the LORD your GOD have no gods before me.
Now we are told not to disobey God and sin, but we do. But when we sin God knows the extent of that sin.
Remember this also, if you can, and try not to forget it, (it helps me alot

), Don’t ever let anyone, rather they reject or accept God,ever Judge him.
Always remember God knows everything, and judges fairly.
Like people say Adam and Eve were innocent and were tricked by the devil. No, If Adam and Eve were innocent and truly ONLY tricked by the devil and regretted what they did, God would know this, because he knows a heart.
God knew what was in A&E heart, and he judged them justly.
To many on the outside it looks like poor Adam and Eve, so good and pure and tricked by the wicked devil. Oh the devil play his part, and quite well I may add, but they also did their own part also. And paid a price that God felt was right.
If God threw them out it was Justified, Period. We do not question God, we have no right. We Love and Trust him that much.