So God created non-innocent people? Do you really think Adam & Eve would’ve known -or had reason to know-all the evils that would come to transpire if they disoebeyed God? That they lived with that knoweldge- in Eden? That’s conjecture, specualtion. We read in Genesis that they were simply told not to disobey by eating of the fruit-and that in so doing they would die. Only afterwards were their eyes opened-they had changed. And more consequences were related to them at that time-immediately after the Fall.If they were innocent then they would not have knowledge of evil until they ate. If they had the knowledge of evil then they were not innocent.
innocent (ˈɪnəsənt)
a. harmless or innocuous: an innocent game.
- not corrupted or tainted with evil or unpleasant emotion; sinless; pure
- (Law) not guilty of a particular crime; blameless
- (foll by: of) free (of); lacking: innocent of all knowledge of history.
b. not cancerous: an innocent tumour.
- credulous, naive, or artless
- simple-minded; slow-witted
7. an innocent person, esp a young child or an ingenuous adult
Correction to # 8 Simpleton = Simpleas
- a simple-minded person; simpleton
Don’t you think that A&E lost something they previously had, including an original innocence, by directly experiencing evil in a manner they never before conceived that it could be known? Don’t you think they may’ve* learned* something in the ensuing years-that would’ve taught them of the perfection of God’s will-and the foolishness of disobeying it? What might’ve they learned? What did they come to know, that God already knew?
Innocence is not a bad word; naivete regarding evil should be prized; the pride of fallen man may make us repulesd by innocence in some way but in God’s will we’re to come to Him like little children. The experience of evil may play its part in robbing us of our innocence but also, hopefully, it can play its role in making us covet it again, and with the help of grace we can ultimately regain it.