Thanks for your thoughts.From Simpleas:
Bit off topic…
Good Morning Simpleas: I agree. It seems to me at least at an intuitive level that life is a continuation. Now, I am very sure that Gary Sheldrake will die and that there will never be another me. I think I will return to the earth and my physical elements will be part of the process like they are now. Every cell in my body except some in my brain change out completely every few years, and these are transmuted from elements borrowed from the world around me. A temporary form that is never static in its nature. I am not a thing, but an event really. As for my memories and sense of self, well, I think the latter is an illusion. This is why I think the greatest imperative is to get in touch with that which we really are, which is not what we take ourselves to be.
Reincarnation is certainly a possibility. As for being transformed into a new body, well, I think that had a simpler meaning really. All I think he was saying is that you don’t really die because you are part of the whole, and the whole does in fact keep making new things from old things, doesn’t it? This is why I think we have to die to the idea of having our own “selves” in order to find eternity. If we hold on to a sense of “self” the only outcome is death. Maybe the way to live forever is to let that go.
I suppose that’s a possibility. I have run into some very “far out there” experiences in my travels through life. I don’t discount the possibility of anything. Now, this thing about going to other galaxies for instance. We know there are other galaxies out there, because we can see them with telescopes. I happen to believe (at this point at least) that wherever there is anything, we are there as well. Only we can only experience it one thing at a time, because we are simply apertures through which the universe experiences itself, and that means that at the core of our being, we are in fact the universe or God if you would. Right now I am experiencing it through the aperture of a middle aged human on Earth, and the problem is that rather than seeing Gary Sheldrake as an instrument through which I am experiencing a given saga, I have made the all too common mistake of identifying with Gary Sheldrake as if Gary Sheldrake had some existence of his own.
Just some thoughts.
All the best.