From DavidV:
If there was no discontent, what would you think the their motive might have been?
From understanding the history, culture and circumstances of the Jewish people at the time the stories were written. Also, from watching people throughout all periods in history (including the present) when it comes to power.
I had only offered possible meanings of the tree, but never said I actually knew the meaning of the tree. The meaning of the tree was actually my question.
Why would Adam do something so counterintuitive if he wasn’t made by his designer to have an appetition for doing such things? To me it means that there had to be either a flaw in our design or a malfunction. One of the two. Take your pick, but either a flaw in the design of a “created” thing or a malfunction of a “created” thing puts culpability right back on the “creator.” If we are created, then we simply function as designed, and anything we do when functioning as designed is the intent of the creator. This includes disobedience. If, however, we do not act as designed, this is a malfunction. Malfunctions are caused by design flaws, or operating the creation under conditions outside the intent of the design, all of which is square on the head of the “creator.”
The whole story is counterintuitive. It makes no sense, unless you’ve had a culture of guilt pounded into you all your life (which we have). The intent of the story was about control and constraint. It was then, it is now, and always will be until people start thinking for themselves.
All the best,

I hope you enjoy this song.