Adam was not united to God completely, if he was than he would have had union with God in the Beatific Vision, in infinite ecstacy , This is the purpose God has for all of us, to be united with Him and share His life. Adam had not completed his spiritual fulfillment as yet, even though he was in the state of sanctifying grace before the fall. He was disposed to advance in grace, but he failed the test. No one can be united completely with God and live a mortal life. Ecstacy means being out of one self, overpowered with joy and happiness, bliss and the mortal body could not sustain this condition without the help of God. Some saints have experienced a certain degree of ecstacy, but not complete union with God which takes place after we die.in the state of sanctifying grace. I hope this doesn’t present new problem for you. The Beatific vision is to see God as He is