Thanks for your thoughts.Thanks for the feedback - to clarify:
We were not created to suffer/die. Such knowledge/awareness, belonged to God who knew the reality of hell, as the Cause of all existence even to its end in nonbeing. We took on this knowledge through our act of disobedience, mistrust and pride, which damaged our relationship with God and thereby brought about our death. This would have been known to us through our intellect, as we know not to dive into a cesspool. For the reasons stated, we dove in anyway; and, here we are.
I see things along the same lines, that we “offer creation back to God”, by sharing in His love.
We are made in God’s image in a number of ways such as the capacity to love, reason, appreciate beauty, attributes which are synonymous with being. We are in His image because the Word was made flesh as a human being. The way in which we are in the image of God and how we are different from the angels has to do with the creation of Eve. Reflecting the Triune Reality wherein the Son is eternally begotten of the Father, Eve is of the unity that is the flesh and spirit of Adam, and they are joined in the love that proceeds from each of them, as the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. We exist as self-and-other, relational beings as is God, in fullness of the Trinity.
We sin as did the angels who fell before us.
This is how it makes sense to me.
I don’t know enough to make sense of somethings you have said, or know enough of A&E to be able to connect them with the son and father.
We were immortal just as the angels are, some angels sinned, but remain immortal in hell? We sinned and became mortal, so we are different from Angels…