Who was this spiritual being he could see?Re-reading post 38, I noticed that I used “ever notice …?” quite often. Now I really feel like Adam, the Philosophy Professor because all he could do is notice. There were no scientific manuals, no Google on mobile devices, and no smart granny to tell Adam what is what. For him, both the scientific method and the philosophical method would have the same first principle – “Observe without prejudice.”
Can you imagine how Adam must have felt, finding himself in the middle of a rather wild garden since there was no previous gardener? Not only that, but there was this Spiritual Being, not like him in size and shape, Who was giving him orders about cultivating and caring for this unique garden. And then, there were the instructions about what he could eat and not eat. At that point, Adam most likely felt hungry. Scientifically, one can reason that Professor Adam observed that he had a material anatomy which needed nourishment in order to live. Philosophically, one can reason that Professor Adam observed that the Spiritual Being Who was with him did not have a limited human nature such as his own.
In my humble observation, I consider the author of the first three chapters of Genesis as being more philosophical than scientific. Also, the author had 20-20-hindsight about the differences between humans and God. Adam may not have immediately figured out one of those strange sounding scientific names for God Who was being observed as one Who was not only in charge of the garden, but also was in charge of Adam. However, being innately curious like his offspring scientists, Adam understood the difference between his nature and the super-natural God Who was his Creator. In this beginning of the story, Adam may not have received his philosophy Ph.D. degree; yet, he figured out that he did not create himself. If he had the power to create, Adam, being naturally intelligent, would have first created a bevy of gardeners to do his work while he had a cool one from the nearby microbrewery.
Returning to Professor Adam’s biography, we find that God, on a sunny day, found Adam being grumpy. God took one look at the cloud-filled face of Adam and observed that it was not good for him to be alone. This would also turn into an opportunity to demonstrate philosophical species. Long run this understanding would be necessary for those who would be researching the intelligence of Border Collies and Apes.
**Sidebar: The “Significance of Recent Ape-Language Studies” is Chapter Five in the book, Origin of the Human Species, Expanded Third Edition by Dr. Dennis Bonnette. Those readers who appreciate both Catholic teachings *and *natural science will both learn and enjoy the book’s Appendix One: The Myth of the “Myth” of Adam and Eve.
Seeing the loneliness of Adam, God formed various animals and birds and brought them to Adam. Interestingly, Adam named these animals which would be necessary so that his progeny living on both sides of the pond could discuss the animals’ characteristics without having them in the backyard. Even more interesting, philosophically, Adam identified this whole group of different scientific-type material/physical species as one natural species which could not form a family unit with his own rather different natural species. We all know what happened when Eve, the love of Adam’s life, appeared.
The animals were created before Adam.
Adam was lonely because he had no other human like him.
But if he had the spiritual being teaching him, why was he lonely?
Would it be because he was created by God, and some part of him was missing, unlike us being born of our human parents?
Yet being created by God first, God was his “parent” so why would he pine of any other, God would have been enough.
Just throwing some thoughts and questions into the mix