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And started to shake at the knees as he swivelled around to see where he was.
And remembering that Charles Dickens had such negative opinion, promptly jumped on his motorcycle and headed to I-57.
However, instead of heading south toward Memphis, he headed north toward Chicago.
He didn’t stop until he got to Manitowoc, Wisconsin where he…
… rode straight to the harbor. A line of cars was waiting to board the ferry, which was flying the Canadian flag.
The ferry then went to the San Juan Islands, where a pod of killer whales met the passengers at the port.
Unfortunately the whales spouted in unison as the dragon chirped,and doused his flame throwing abilities
and wetted the stunned boy on his scaley ,now slippery back causing the boy to scream as he slid off
falling down amoung the whales !
Then suddenly a man leaped out of a whales mouth rescuing the boy in mid air and took him to safety. The boy asked, “who the heck are you?”. The man smiled and said “Jonah”.
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Jonah, Jack, and the dragon jumped out of the way as Elvis roared past them on his motorcycle.
They weren’t sure whether he yelled “you want me to jump that cactus?” or “this way to Nineveh.”
“Nineveh ain’t what it used to be,” Jonah whispered confidentially, wiping away a tear.
The shopping mall is closed, the Toy r’ Us store is going out of business, you can’t find a good bar or restaurant in town, and the only thing left is a dairy queen run by leprechauns who got lost in the last St. Patrick’s Day parade.
It was Jack who had the idea of catching the quicksilver Leprechauns and
shaking them upside down until their fat pockets of gold spilled out on to the footpath…enough for a fine feast somewhere luxurious!
Which was a challenge, since they were at Fishermans Wharf enjoying the view of the Bay and Golden Gate Bridge.
Jonah led the way to a fine grill house and the three feasted on thick juicy T bone steaks ,fingers being licked ,juice dripping from chins …

Authors note: Friday fast here and visualising that is real penence!!
When the time came to pay the check, Jack handed the waiter two large, thick gold coins, which he looked at suspiciously, holding them up to the light.
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