Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament?

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As the Pope has suggested and now with one of the Decades of the Luminous Mystery dedicated to it, I was wondering if more people are spending time before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and meditation?
As the Pope has suggested and now with one of the Decades of the Luminous Mystery dedicated to it, I was wondering if more people are spending time before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and meditation?
One hour a week, not counting time before and after Mass.

I’ve had some truly wonderful experiences, but I must confess that I’ve fallen asleep on some occasions (I go from 3-4 a.m. on Sunday mornings). :o

Adoration was a big mover in a brother-in-law’s decision to go through RCIA this past year (yes, he actually did weekly Adoration for a year before making the decision to convert).
I am blessed that our parish now has perpetual adoration. While I do have a scheduled time each week, it is nice to know that I can stop by whenever I get a chance.

While a lot has happened in our parish over the last few years, I attribute much of the spiritual growth that has occurred to having perpetual adoration. The crowd at the daily 6:30 am mass has nearly tripled to about 40 or more in the past year.
I go once a week for an hour, and at other times when something particularly joyfull happens that I want to thank God for. We also get to mass early on Sundays so we can spend a few minutes preparing for the celebration.

I’ve heard that the peace that comes from adoration and prayer make you sleepy, its a good thing!
I love to hear Mother Angelica talk about adoration and wish I would go more often, especially after hearing her!
I’m very fortunate to have a parish with perpetual adoration very close to my office. For the last couple of years I’ve gotten into the habit of spending my lunch hour there . . .
My parish has adoration once a month only. I am there for one hour a month. Would like to go once a week.
To circumvent our Archbishop’s fondness for putting the Tabernacle anywhere but in direct view of an altar, our parish has created a Eucharistic chapel for the tabernacle.

We have an adoration program in place – 24/7 except when the greater gift of the Sacrifice of the Mass is being offered. Our archbishop, bless his heart, has decided that we can’t have perpetual Eucharistic adoration since there are no consecrated religious or seminary attached to our parish.

We have over 500 volunteer adorers who are regularly at their posts. I am rarely alone in the chapel – I adore during the day. When my son was in school, I could take a couple hours there easily. Now that he is out of school, he has arranged playdates with friends and we kind of help each other out to adore. So, my hour that usually goes so fast, is not hard to extend.

The most common response of the adorers to their hour captains is that the hour goes so fast.

We still have exposition only on First Fridays and the Thursdays before as our Archbishop has permitted, but that isn’t stopping us.

Talk about a witness to the community, when they fiind out we are praying around the clock.

Pax et bonum,
Sounds great mamamull! We have a perpetual adoration chapel with a monstrance (the tebernacle is still near the altar) so exposition is also 24/7. We have a few hours that are hard to fill in the early mornings (1-5 am) but the knights and other groups keep most of them covered. I’ve only had to cover the Blessed Sacrament once in over a year when the next hour was not filled and that was during a blizzard.
I adore at a beautiful Shrine and it is open 24/7 in an incredible monstrance right above the tabernacle. There are Franciscan Friars who generally cover the wee hours, but when I go in the late afternoon, there are usually 3-6 people there coming in and out. I was so honored one day during a snow storm when during my hour, I looked around and I was the ONLY ONE THERE! I felt so blessed and said, “Hey, it’s just You and me Lord.” Of course it was for only a few minutes, but it felt great.
We have 27/7 perpetual adoration at my parish. I’ve been going for a couple months now, the first couple were “difficult” as I’m not one that has ever been good at taking a break and reflecting/praying for protracted periods of time. But it’s beauty and my appreciation for it is increasing as time goes on.
I live just about 3 miles from my church. We’ve got 24/7 adoration, too.

Yet, I understand that there’s a real struggle to get enough people to commit to an hour of their choice consistently during a week so that someone can be there at all times.

Also, there’s a bit of a little political play going on behind the scenes among the head of the Adorers group and among them over silly things that don’t mean anything.

There’s a bru-ha-ha that had been going on for several weeks over whether or not there should be flowers at all times below the little altar in the small chapel where the monstrance is located. Between allergy complaints… and what kind of container to hold the water and the flowers that whomever brings in… whether to have a dehumidifier in there, or not…


Still… it’s VERY comforting to me to know that at any time, day or night, even wee hours I can shuffle on down to the chapel…

and if need be… fall asleep sitting straight up (which I am very likely to do).

It takes me about 15 or 20 minutes to really “settle into the moment” but once I have, it’s very, very difficult to pull myself away and re-start my life outside the adoration chapel again.

Anybody else have that situation?
*While a lot has happened in our parish over the last few years, I attribute much of the spiritual growth that has occurred to having perpetual adoration. *

Hi Paul,

The experience at our parish has been similar. We have had perpetual adoration for about a year and a half now and our parish is really lighting up, and everyone seems to agree that adoration is at the center of all the good things going on.


My parish celebrated it’s 1st anniversary of Perpetual Adoration on June 13th(Feast of Corpus Christi). I adore 1 hour a week (Tues -6 pm) without fail, but go by at other times as well. Especially when I feel the need to be closer to our Lord Jesus. I can’t say that anything of phenomenal proportions (miracles I guess some would call these) has occured in my life but I know that Adoration has strengthened my relationship with God and kept me on the right path. I have a job, good health, beautiful-healthy children/grandchildren, a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food on my table. That’s about as much as anyone could ask for IMHO. One thing that is beginning to happen, for which I’ve prayed in earnest, is my daughter’s return to the Church. Adoration and the Rosary give me strength at all times.
My parish has adoration once a month only. I am there for one hour a month. Would like to go once a week.
You can pray at the tabernacle and still be doing Eucharistic adoration. The host does not have to be exposed. Maybe if you start, your parish will begin adoration more frequently!
You can pray at the tabernacle and still be doing Eucharistic adoration. The host does not have to be exposed. frequently!
Just as the priest is behind a screen during confession, so is the Host sometimes unseen, reserved in the tabernacle. :bowdown2: It’s all quality time spent with our Lord!
The chapel I go to (Corpus Christi) has exposition every Thursday from 4 pm - 8 pm. I generally go from 4 - 5 (although I sometimes have to go at a later hour) and am never the only one there. (The fewest I have ever seen is 11.) I also arrive about an hour early for Mass on Sunday mornings and spend at least 30 minutes before the tabernacle. My middle daughter has also started going with me at these times. I also stop by the parish church some times on my way home from work. There’s always a door open for those of us who want to adore Christ in the Eucharist.

I have been going to adoration for 1 hour per week for the past year. It has been a real blessing in my life. My wife has started to go, and we are talking about bringing our small children (we have Children’s Adoration in a separate chapel once per month). It is very comforting to go into the chapel and see people of all walks of life- young, old, rich, poor, even babies!! We are all joined through the Body of Christ!

I am on a committee to evaluate the possibility of adding a second perpetual chapel on the west side of our city (pop:100,000). I think perpetual adoration could be a key in turning our church around in these difficult times. It has revitalized our parish.

Relevant Radio has had some great speakers on Perpetual Adoration in recent weeks. I am sure you could access them through their archives. I don’t have the link handy- try a search using Starboard Network.
My parish has adoration from the 8:30am mass on Friday to the 8:30am mass on Saturday, every week. I have been to adoration late at night a few times, though I admit not as regularly as I would like. When I go there are generally only a few people in the small chapel.

However, after the Pentecost mass (pretty sure that’s when it was) this year, the congregation did a procession out of the church at the close of mass, to our auxiliary hall, where our three priests set up a special adoration. The room was filled (it’s a small auditorium - used to be the church proper) to the rim, with a traffic jam to get in and either sit and pray, or walk up the middle aisle, genuflect, pray, and go. It was just awesome.

Adoration - just one more beautiful tradition I never knew about or appreciated until I “re-verted” as an adult.
I had to respond less than 1 hour a week which seems like infrequently but I regularly attend first friday adoration and I organize a 25 hour vigil four times a year at our parish. The participation at our parish is growing as more people come and experience adoration.

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