Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament

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If Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available in your church, do you have an assigned hour? What is your reason for going? If you do not have an hour, why?
We have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at my church. i go every wednesday at 6 pm and take an hour to adore. i also go on saturday nights from 8:30 to 9:30 to adore along with 20 or so other high school teens in my youth group.

hee hee, i started going to adoration because several people told me i should, so i did (grudgingly, of course…). but now, looking back on it, i can’t believe what it was that i was missing! my goodness, that first night i went to adoration (i can remember it sooooo vividly!), i just felt so at home! all my life i’ve been lookin for somewhere i belong, and it just seems like i fit more in front of His Presence than i do anywhere else. My desire to Be with the Eucharist has grown immensely, and i just love it! i find my self now taking all kinds of odd hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and attending Mass more than ever with a deeper respect for the Eucharistic Jesus! oh yeah… i’m 17 🙂
my parish has it once a week for 24 hours. when we started it about 3 years ago, the coordinator asked anyone interested to sign up and i told her just to pick an hour for me. my assigned time is 1030-1130pm. at first i went mainly because i had promised to do so (and missed a few times); but the Holy Spirit is definitely at work in my life and now i look forward to this time to just be with God in this special way. I live in st louis and our archdiocesan web site posts info on all the local churches who have adoration and when, so even if your church isn’t doing this (or you want to spend some more time with Our Lord in adoration), you can almost always find a church that is having Adoration.
We have perpetual adoration at our parish with 2 people signed per hour. Obviously there are some hours that only have 1 person and a few nobody, but someone always fills in for that hour. My hour is Sunday at 6am. I have to admit that there are times when I say I really don’t want to get out of bed and go, but afterwards it is a perfect hour for me to start my Sunday & read the gospel readings for the day. Also and the end of my hour, the church bells ring for the 7am mass. I truly love those few moments. I really cannot imagine a parish without perpetual adoration, but obviously I realize that I am in a large parish that can do so.
oh yeah… i’m 17 🙂
Wow, wish I had your faith at that age. Your parents obviously did a fantastic job raising you in the faith, helping to lay a firm foundation. I sadly, really had to build it up on my own, continuing to do so in College, but it can be so difficult. I fall flat on my face so often, backsliding if you will, it can be so frustrating, I get back up and keep on going, but it is much harder trying to change habits this late in the game . . . almost 22 🙂
LOL, you kiddoes you!

Our parish instituted weekday Adoration from 1 till 5 p.m. I am a coordinator, which means little these days, but I am thrilled with the knowledge that I helped in getting it started here. And what a blessing it is!!

I am not signed up for a particular hour because of the few numbers of hours we hold it, and the fact that I have five children and a grandchild living at home. I go every day almost without fail though usually for the last half hour including Benediction.

There are times I don’t feel like it, would rather sit and have a cuppa tea at that hour, but I feel almost an obligation or maybe it’s a compulsion God’s allowing me to feel to get me in there, because I am always so glad to have had the time with Him!
Our parish offers Adoration the first Friday of each month, which is nowhere near often enough. I go but don’t sign up because I have a busy work schedule, and can’t always be sure when I’ll be able to drop in and visit our Lord. They have enough people to easily cover our current schedule, but if they decide to expand the frequency, I would sign up and just make it fit into my schedule.

Adoration is the single act of the Catholic faith that has the deepest significance for me. Communion is wonderful, but the distractions are many, and it is difficult to stay focused on the Lord. At Adoration, I often go into a deep and blissful state of meditation that leaves me totally renewed and at peace. I strongly feel Jesus’ presence, and He gives me such joy and overwhelming peace that I am almost rooted in the pew. It takes a real effort to pull myself away from Him to return to work. I wish I could have that experience of His presence daily or even constantly. If that is just the faintest taste of what Heaven is like, we are in for a wonderful time with Him in eternity.

I should mention that I converted from Protestantism a few years ago, and I can tell you that our Protestant brothers and sisters don’t have a clue what a wonderful experience with the Lord they are missing in Adoration. NOTHING compares with it. This is why I felt something was dry and lacking in my Protestant faith. Thankfully, I found the fullness of the faith and have never looked back.

Adoration is spending time with Our Lord Jesus, as He is exposed in a Monstrance on the altar in the form of consecrated bread. Since Catholics believe that Jesus is truly present in the consecrated bread and wine we receive in communion, a host, or piece of the bread, is reserved for adoration on the altar. Because Jesus is truly present, and exposed, someone is with Him at all times.

It has truly been one of the most profound experiences in my life, to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I have been doing at least my regular hour every week for three years, and often go back at other times during the week. Sometimes I pray formal prayers, such as the rosary, or Divine Mercy chaplet; sometimes I just sit and talk with Him; sometimes, if nobody else is in the chapel, I sing to Him; sometimes I just sit quietly in awe that we are allowed to be in His Holy Presence!

Try it! You’ll never be sorry! God bless!
We have it on first fridays 7am to 7pm.

When I first saw the notice, I signed up for a half hour, the tiny chapel was packed. The next time I signed up, I totally forgot, and though I seriously considered signing up the next month using the name “Mud”, I now make it a practice to drop in ASAP.

In the Presence, I cry. Not from sorrow, need brought before Him, or pious meditation on His Passion… Just tears flowing of awe… And I get a few sincere looks of pity, or alarm from others present, whom I obviously dont want to disturb, but it seems I am the only one with this odd reaction here.
Has it happened to anyone else in cyberland?
yes, it has! it’s one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit! Tears! it can’t be explained any way other than that… lol, try explaining a sudden explosure of Laughter to a group of people around you! (Laughter is another Gift that the Holy Spirit gives us at some unexplainable times.)
Yes, we’ve had continuous perpetual adoration of the Eucharist for over 15 years now. I go for one hour each week.
Grandmother, we just had Adoration this morning. As I was in deep meditation before the Lord, I noticed my cheeks were wet. I had been silently weeping without knowing it. When I thought about it, I realized it was a mixture of joy and sorrow over my sins. I have also had this experience when singing particularly worshipful songs during Mass. I think the Spirit touches us, and weeping is just our particular expression of our love for Him.

Today’s Adoration, as always, was very moving, very inspiring.

Our parish will celebrate the one year anniversary of Perpetual Adoration on June 13th (Feast of Corpus Christi) with a procession (after Mass) to the Adoration Chapel. We will then have a reception and try to sign up more people for each of the hours. I am an assistant-hourly captain.

When I signed up a year ago (Tues - 6pm), little did I know what it would come to mean to me. I am constantly stuggling in my faith journey so I thought this would be something to try. I had no idea what to do but I will never forget that first hour - I cried nearly the whole time. Praise God, I have not had to miss one single Tuesday and I often go by at other times (especially when I am feeling “spiritually dry”.) I look forward to that hour each week more than anything else I do. I usually pray the Blessed Sacrement Chaplet, the Spiritual Rosary and then read the scriptures or meditative readings.

Our parish is so very blessed to have this gift to offer our community.

If you have it available to you, do not hesitate to take advantage and grow in the love of Christ.
If Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available in your church, do you have an assigned hour? What is your reason for going? If you do not have an hour, why?
Well, first off… since I move often, I don’t have a specific parish… I’m like a free agent moving around. Anyway, I did search online to find any church that offers Adoration. I have no assigned hour so I go anytime to any church. My reason is to speak with God. It is the only place where I feel a sense of peace and intimacy with the Lord.
Our former parish (less than 5 minutes away) has Perpetual Adoration, celebrating their 8th anniversary on June 13. I signed on about 4 years ago for 6pm every Wednesday, the only time I don’t go is the rare occassion we are out of town. I try to stop every day after work for at least 10 minutes, but don’t always succeed. Even though we are no longer memebers of this parish, we still participate in Perpetual Adoration. We are signed on as substitutes whenever they are short-handed, so we are going tonight at 10 for an hour. I love being asked to do ‘late’ hours, as I am an early to bed girl (we get up at 5) so it is a real sacrifice for me to go out late, but I can’t think of a better place to be, the hour goes by so fast!
Wow! I’m always impressed when I read testimony about the devotion to Adoration. I have gone weekly during Lent for two years now. Although I clearly don’t have the hang of the “meditation” thing, I can say that the experience has opened my heart to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. And I second the votes that the quiet time with the Lord is addictive!

cheers, Deni
At my parish we have Adoration from 9pm -11pm Monday to Thursday. Thursday - 10am-11am. Friday 9pm - Saturday 9am. Every first Friday 6:30pm - 7:30pm.

The church is St John the Evangelist Heidelberg, Melbourne.

Kellie, I am putting this for you in case you live near St John’s.

Adoration is a continuation of the worship we give Christ in the Mass. At Adoration we adore, thank, praise and petition God. Some people say formal prayers e.g. the Rosary. Some people read a book of spirituality. Some pray from their hearts and some just sit there and think about Jesus without words. Whatever you want to do is ok.

The first time I went to Adoration it nearly killed me 😦 I would look at the time and it just crawled. I thought “I am never going to be able to do this every week.” Now two years later I wonder where the time goes and go to Adoration several times a week. What I do find helpful is committing to a specific time. When I don’t feel like going the promise makes me go but of course once I get there I am sooo glad. 🙂

A book of spiritual readings I have found useful is:

“I the Lord Am Always With You” edited by Christine McCarthy

If you enter the title in Google you will be able to find our about it.

Kellie, the book is readily available at Central Catholic Bookshop in Melbourne.
I have an hour assigned each week. I echo what has been said before. I believe our soul has a longing to be in the presence of God and that longing is satisfied when I am in adoration. To me this is proof of the real presence. I love my hour and it usually extends to 1:15-1:30. 👍
I attend Adoration at a church near my workplace 2 or 3 times a week or take an hour rosary walk with a longer meditation on each mystery before I begin a decade.

I think the combination of Adoration, rosary meditation, and daily Mass has been a huge boost to my spirituality and oneness with God. I am continually rewarded with deeper sorrow for my sins, a more sincere faith that doesn’t rely as much as it used to on emotional feelings or highs, a deeper sense of awe and gratitude, and occasional treats such as spiritual insights.

Occasionally I have feelings of being homesick – is it possible to be homesick for an eternal home that I have not yet been to?

It is especially gratifying to worship the Lord in such a humbling way, when the world including myself at times is often puffed up with pride and when many Catholics and even a (hopefully) small number of priests do not even believe in the Real Presence.

Eucharistic Adoration Problem
Anyway, this is the Eucharistic Adoration Problem I had which was finally put to rest during, what else, Eucharistic Adoration:

I was thinking about this Catholic Answers forum, actually, and the stories of many dissenting Catholics and Catholic priests and the way that Liturgy is sometimes haphazardly or disrespectfully done. I began to have a terrible thought: What if through disregard or carelessness, or by assigning the function to a lay minister who didn’t know what he was doing, or even by honest mistake, this Eucharist that I was bowed down to and fervently praying to was just a plain old unconsecrated piece of bread. It bothered me that there was absolutely no way to know for certain whether or not it was truly Jesus. I began to be a little reserved – after all, I didn’t want to get all misty-eyed over a thin wafer of bread!

Then I wondered, what would Jesus think? Would he be offended if I was worshipping (albeit unknowingly) a piece of bread? And then I thought of my little son and how sometimes a little boy can unknowingly hug the leg of a stranger or even the leg of a mannequin for that matter, all the while thinking he was hugging me. Would I still feel his love? Would I be pleased with him? You bet I would! Although I might not be too pleased with someone who intentially deceived him. I could still very much feel my son’s love and I knew then that Jesus would still feel mine as well – even if an unlikely thing such as worshipping an unconsecrated host should happen.
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