Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament

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Beautiful analogy; thanks milimac! I had a similar ‘scare’ and chased it away with prayer against the temptation. I’ll remember your analogy, though!
none the less, too, your prayers and thoughts would still go to heaven and to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Just like you said, Jesus can still hear us praying to Him! He may not be directly present in the Monstrance, but He is still there cuz He’s always there with each of us! That’s how awesomely cool His Love for us is! Praise God!
We have it 24-7. My hour is Mon. from 1-2am. I knew if I didn’t sign up I would never make it in. Sometimes I still have trouble getting in, like if it’s one of those night and my youngest will just not sleep or if I turn off my alarm and tell myself to get up and next thing I know it’s 6am:o . I’ve found it’s easier just to stay awake before it’s time to go. Some of the best moments of my life have been in that chapel. The Lord has given us such a great gift.
Yes, we’ve had continuous perpetual adoration of the Eucharist for over 15 years now. I go for one hour each week.
Have you had many vocations from your parish? It seems the local parishes that have perpetual adoration have vocations!! My parish is 85 years old and never had a vocation. Sad. --KCT
Have you had many vocations from your parish? It seems the local parishes that have perpetual adoration have vocations!! My parish is 85 years old and never had a vocation. Sad. --KCT

KCT*** Does your church have Perpetual Adoration? We started ours on December 12, 2001 and that first year two of our young members went into the seminary. One is now studying in Rome, he was already a college graduate, and the other is still at our diocesean seminary. It was such a great blessing but we also have a prayer group praying for vocations to the priesthood.
Just today the 12th son of my parish is saying his First Mass. Perpetual Adoration has been going longer than I have been in the parish. But the parish was established in only 1966!!! Eucharistic adoration is one of the key answers to the vocation crisis.
My hours were Thursday mornings, 3-5:00 AM (these hours weren’t filled by anyone else so I just took them). It was amazing to be with Christ by myself, except that I was 18 years old when I started, and it was winter, so there were always homeless people hanging out, sleeping in the back of the chapel. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but some of them were real characters and it made for some pretty interesting mornings! 🙂

For me, having assigned times meant that I for sure went, instead of just having the good intention and then not going.

These days I’m not able to do that as much, having 2 small kids, but I can see a catholic church out our patio window, so it’s good for a spiritual Communion.
Just today the 12th son of my parish is saying his First Mass. Perpetual Adoration has been going longer than I have been in the parish. But the parish was established in only 1966!!! Eucharistic adoration is one of the key answers to the vocation crisis.
Our church has also had an abundance of vocations since Adoration began! :clapping:
My church is blessed to have had a Perpetual Adoration Chapel since 1983. My hour is 6-7 p.m. on Mondays. I have managed to go for 13 years and would not want to begin my week without it. I have managed to go every Monday with few substitutions even through three pregnancies and growing babies. I just made sure that it was always a priority no matter what. When my kids were nursing, they came with me. When they got to toddler stage, I made sure I limited my activities so that my husband couldn’t deny me my one hour away at chapel. My college-age daughter went with me every Monday for ten years and my younger ones are well acquainted with the Real Presence. What a privilege to be able to run to Jesus at any hour of the day, any day of the week. I would rather give up everything I own and every other activity than that hour with Jesus. I feel especially lucky that the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in a Monstrance in a beautifully designed transparent box. If you don’t have Perpetual Adoration in your church, start it! There are organizations out there that can tell you all about how to get it going. God Bless.
peace be with you! while my parish does not have Perpetual Adoration yet (it is getting close), religious vocations have flourished at my parish. some of you from the orange county/los angeles may have heard of it…St. Peter Chanel. it is staffed my the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. the priests are amazing and have truly affected the parishioners. i personally know between 20-30 young people who have either entered or will be entering religious life in the future in the 10 or 12 years i have been at this parish. it is a truly beautiful place. but these are just the people that i personally know…i know that there are others. these are just my friends that i have counted over the years.
My parish has had Perpetual Adoration since October 15, 1998. We have had over a 150,000 Adorers. I have two assigned hours. I initially signed up for Saturday at 8:00 AM about four years ago, then I took 11:00 Am on Sunday (temporarily) because it was an open (hard to fill hour). I still go both hours. However, it is common to see me in the Chapel on any evening during the week. When it isn’t my hour, I sometimes don’t stay for the whole hour, but I have on many occasions stayed longer. When I cannot get to the Chapel (business travel) I feel that I am missing something important. I have found and visited many adoration chapels all over the country.

Why? Well there are a number of reasons. I know the Lord hears me when ever and where ever I pray, so it is not because I think it makes my prayers more effective. Here are some reasons that have occurred to me?

  1. *] I am an undisciplined, selfish and lazy sinner who is easily distracted, and the peace and His Presence help me to focus.
    *]I am committed to saying a Rosary, the Tessara of the Legion of Mary, and Evening prayers, and when I cannot get to the Chapel I find it more difficult to live up to these commitments.
    *] It is a wonderful place to read the Scriptures, and very conducive to meditation.
    *]Going to the Chapel has become part of my daily discipline.
    *]I live about three minutes from church.
    *]I have much to repent for in my life.

    These are all good reasons, and perhaps some of them might apply to many folks. But I think the best reason is because I can.

    If I can and do not, what reason might I give? Or put another way, if you knew the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings would give you an unlimited audience, no appointment required, just show up, would you go?

    He will, and I do.

What a great thread!

I started going to Adoration last July because I could not receive Communion at that time. In fact I didn’t know when I would be able to (I was in the process of applying for a decree of nullity) Sometimes going to Adoration was the only thing that kept me from throwing in the towel with the nullity thing and giving up.

In the past year I have received several miracles and I totally believe it was because of going to Adoration. I was in the Chapel one day and a lady I barely knew gave me a Miraculous Medal. Later I found out that the first decision (there are two) was made on the decree the very day she gave me the medal. I later wore the medal in my corsage when my present marriage was finally blessed in the Church and I could receive Communion again.
Charliemac said:
*] I am an undisciplined, selfish and lazy sinner who is easily distracted, and the peace and His Presence help me to focus.
*]I am committed to saying a Rosary, the Tessara of the Legion of Mary, and Evening prayers, and when I cannot get to the Chapel I find it more difficult to live up to these commitments.
*] It is a wonderful place to read the Scriptures, and very conducive to meditation.
*]Going to the Chapel has become part of my daily discipline.
*]I live about three minutes from church.
*]I have much to repent for in my life.

These are all good reasons, and perhaps some of them might apply to many folks. But I think the best reason is because I can.

If I can and do not, what reason might I give? Or put another way, if you knew the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings would give you an unlimited audience, no appointment required, just show up, would you go?

He will, and I do.


Wonderful!! May I use this in my promotion of Adoration in our Parish? It’s always good to have reasons given by those who participate.
One of the parishes I attend has Perpetual Adoration and has for about 15-20 years. I am signed up to visit with the Lord every other week for an hour each visit. My sister and mother take the alternate week. I also make shorter visits on my own onother days.

Adoring our exposed Lord is so awesome, and such a stress reliever. Have you ever noticed how many people praying in the chapel are sighing, as if loads of worry, stress, and concern are being lifted from their heart. That’s how I feel when I am there. God is good, and the graces abound for those who take the time to visit Him as often as they can. I have also noticed that the graces and messages from the Lord don’t always come right in the Adoration Chapel, but later as you live your life day to day.

I would encourage everyone to make a holy hour or to at least see if you can make short daily visits. Your life will change forever.
What a great thread!

I started going to Adoration last July because I could not receive Communion at that time. In fact I didn’t know when I would be able to (I was in the process of applying for a decree of nullity) Sometimes going to Adoration was the only thing that kept me from throwing in the towel with the nullity thing and giving up.

Your reason is one of the reasons I went also. Not being able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist was TORTURE for me. Being able to get as close to him in his full presence in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was like balm over a severe burn. I love what Jesus did for us by giving Himself to us in the Eucharist. Thank you Lord!
My parish doesn’t have adoration, but there are a few within a very short driving distance. Up until school let out for the summer, I spent at least an hour a day at the Adoration Chapel. Now, I only can get in a few times a week at night.

I started going shortly after my reversion began. I think I could compare the conversion/reversion process to being in an extended state of shock, or a minor similarity to post-traumatic stress disorder (LOL). I remember being really, really uncommunicative, contemplative, and probably not very much fun to live with as I was so preoccupied with God (can’t think of another way to put it).

I always felt like so much was going on in my mind, so much confusing stuff (mostly like why is this happening to me?). One day I saw the sign and I figured I’d stop in. It would be just me and Him. No traditions to get in the way, no requirements to get in the way, no priest, no fellow parishioners, no family, no million things going on in my head, etc.

And WOW, what a personal experience to have with God. Ever since that day, I went daily. When in contemplative prayer, your first step is to put yourself in the presence of God. That step can be trying sometimes, but it’s almost as if that step is taken care of already in Adoration.

I’ve had what I can only call two momentous prayer occasions in that Chapel and I do feel that they would have only occurred in Adoration.

But I’m not signed up for any particular hour. I certainly will though once school resumes.

Adoration is the single act of the Catholic faith that has the deepest significance for me. Communion is wonderful, but the distractions are many, and it is difficult to stay focused on the Lord. At Adoration, I often go into a deep and blissful state of meditation that leaves me totally renewed and at peace. I strongly feel Jesus’ presence, and He gives me such joy and overwhelming peace that I am almost rooted in the pew. It takes a real effort to pull myself away from Him to return to work. I wish I could have that experience of His presence daily or even constantly. If that is just the faintest taste of what Heaven is like, we are in for a wonderful time with Him in eternity.

I should mention that I converted from Protestantism a few years ago, and I can tell you that our Protestant brothers and sisters don’t have a clue what a wonderful experience with the Lord they are missing in Adoration. NOTHING compares with it. This is why I felt something was dry and lacking in my Protestant faith. Thankfully, I found the fullness of the faith and have never looked back.

Beautifully expressed, Charles! 🙂 . As a convert of many years (i.e. 37 to be exact), I never cease to be thankful, like you, for the great privileges our Catholic faith gives us.
Sometimes I have sat before the Blessed Sacrament for a long period of time, and felt as dry as a stick, but LATER, sort of in retrospect, I KNOW I have been deeply nourished at a level beyond all the senses, and in a way, this is even more wonderful for me. So, I know that I should never let my lack of feelings stop me spending time there, and I encourage others to persevere through the dry patches!
Oh, by the way, can anyone tell me where to find exposition of the Blessed Sacrament online?? I found it a couple of weeks ago, and can no longer find the link.

A Te numquam separari permittas - never let me be separated from You
Oh, by the way, can anyone tell me where to find exposition of the Blessed Sacrament online?? I found it a couple of weeks ago, and can no longer find the link.

Just had a thought - maybe this is NOT a good thing - sort of not authentic. Any opinions?:confused:

A Te numquam separari permittas - never let me be separated from You
Our parish has had continuous perpetual adoration for over 13 years.
I have been going for 11 years. My hour is on Saturday’s from 11:00 A.M. til noon. I say the rosary, read the liturgy of the hours, read the prayer cards, that others have asked prayers for and I pray for them.

There are many spiritual books there, and sometimes I read some of them. We also sign our names to cards for other’s who are ill, that we are praying for, and we let them know they are in our thoughts and prayers, and we mail the cards to them.

I am so blessed to be able to spend an hour a week with God.

My parish has had perpetual adoration for over 15 years, if I recall correctly. I signed up for an hour on Wednesdays long ago and kept to it for a long time, but I had to adjust my hours because of my work. I try to go at least once a week, but it’s not always on the same day anymore. I’d like to get back to going routinely on a certain day when I go back to work.

As for why I go, the reasons are many. Just thinking of Jesus’ question to Peter in the garden, “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?” is enough motivation. God gives me 24 hours a day. The least I can do is spend one hour with Him in adoration. I have much to be thankful for.

What better place to pray to God than right in front of Him? I feel as though I have received many blessings from my time spent in our adoration chapel. It’s a great place to just sit and listen for what God wants to tell me. I can always count on God to be there to listen to my problems and help me to resolve them. I always feel more at peace when I leave the chapel.

I’m also comforted by the knowledge that Mary is always there with her Son.
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