Again: Right Wing Terrorist Man threatened to blow up people celebrating Biden victory, FBI building

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Mostly unrelated: “Right Wing Terrorist Man” sounds like a two-bit supervillain from some cheesy 80’s cartoon.
Let’s do that. Let’s recognize that, if reports are true, this guy is no different than violent Antifa and BLM members, who are no different than violent white supremacists and neo-Nazis.
That’s where you go wrong. Others have made the same mistake, too. There is a big difference between people who protest against perceived injustice and are FOR all people and, in contradistinction, those who are AGAINST a group of people along ethnic or racial lines. Its like the difference in the history of Tuskegee and that of Ole Miss.
This thread in itself is a bit of a way of targeting others in a very unsavory way, to put it in polite terms.

Guilt by association, etc. Again, it’d be easy enough to do the same back but it seems outside of the rules.
Many posters here do that with the left every day.
That’s where you go wrong. Others have made the same mistake, too. There is a big difference between people who protest against perceived injustice
It is gross injustice to destroy the property of others. It is gross injustice to blame the innocent for the actions of a small few. It is gross injustice to accuse people, including police, of racism when it is not true.
those who are AGAINST a group of people along ethnic or racial lines
You’ve described both groups. There is zero difference between those who practice identity politics, be they white supremacists and those who advocate intersectionality. Racism is racism.

You advocated calling out all malefactors.

All malefactors. All of them. Don’t change the formula now. Don’t defend one set of malefactors who are not deserving of defense anymore than the others.
It is gross injustice to accuse people, including police, of racism when it is not true.
That’s name-calling. Not nice, but not fatal.
There is zero difference between those who practice identity politics, be they white supremacists and those who advocate intersectionality. Racism is racism.
No, you are wrong. Th Nation of Islam is not a mirror image of the Klan, though some in the majority communities would like to equate them. Look, things are more complicated. Being pro-black does not mean a person is anti anyone. Supremacists are affirmatively negative as to others on a racial basis. That is not the same for leftists.

You’re just wrong here. Let it go.
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It is gross injustice to accuse people, including police, of racism when it is not true.
That’s name-calling. Not nice, but not fatal.
In America today, it is more than just name call. It can cost someone their job and livelihood, and destroy their reputation.
Done without evidence, it is indeed a gross injustice.
No, you are wrong. Th Nation of Islam is not a mirror image of the Klan, though some in the majority communities would like to equate them.
Oh, they are indeed a mirror image. Farrakhan has a history of overtly anti-Semitic statements. His bigotry is well documented.
Being pro-black does not mean a person is anti anyone.
What does being “pro-black“ mean?
Can it be said that being “pro-white” does not mean a person is anti-anyone?
Whatever happened to content of character, not color of skin?
Supremacists are affirmatively negative as to others on a racial basis. That is not the same for leftists.
Of course it is. Intersectionality places a value on one’s opinions and statements based on immutable characteristics. That is racism and bigotry by definition. White supremacy is just a subgroup of identity politics.
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Can it be said that being “pro-white” does not mean a person is anti-anyone?
Yes, that can be SAID. Now, in operation we have found that it 90% of the time it means something far different than pride in one’s own ethnicity. That is a fact. Its the burden of the majority.
Oh, they are indeed a mirror image. Farrakhan has a history of overtly anti-Semitic statements. His bigotry is well documented.
It is wrong to equate simple bigotry with night riding, intimidation, murder and voter coercion. History is more complicated than that. But some find it politically expedient to try to make the comparison.
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Now, in operation we have found that it 90% of the time it means something far different than pride in one’s own ethnicity.
White does not refer to an ethnicity. My ethnicity, for example, is American. There are roughly 330 million others who share that ethnicity.
“We have found that it 90% of the time…”.
Who is we? By what methodology was the 90% figure arrived at?
Its the burden of the majority.
Burden of what? What majority?
It is wrong to equate simple bigotry with night riding, intimidation, murder and voter coercion.
Using round figures, I would say that 99.99% of Americans do not night ride, intimidate, murder or coerce voters, though my figure may be a bit lower than the actual.
I would surmise that 99.9% of police officers have never done these things, either.

Those that do are the ones I thought we agreed we should reject.
History is more complicated than that. But some find it politically expedient to try to make the comparison.
So, can I assume, then, that when you said reject all of them you really meant only those you perceive to be more wrong for their bigotry and violence than others?
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No, don’t presume. You can conclude that I am through with this particular colloquy, though.
The evidence in your statements does lead one to ponder.

My own statement is clear: I reject all bigotry and the violence that results from it.
I reject the kinds of political violence we see from Antifa, BLM, white supremacist groups and the like. I consider them equally evil.
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Arson is acceptable? You think the protesters use of arson is okay? People don’t die by fire?
Not what I said. But there is this wonderful ability here on CAF for members of the right to bury their head in the sand whenever right wing violence rears it’s head. It it certainly has. It’s why the West Point study on terrorism ranks right wing extremism as a top threat to America…but hey, it’ll be just labeled fake news.
Not what I said. But there is this wonderful ability here on CAF for members of the right to bury their head in the sand whenever right wing violence rears it’s head.
Nice deflection, but untrue. I just spent a number of posts being perfectly clear that if reports are true, this guy is no better than Antifa. They are equally evil.
Do you agree that they are equally evil?
It’s why the West Point study on terrorism ranks right wing extremism as a top threat to America…but hey, it’ll be just labeled fake news.
I don’t distinguish between left wing and right wing terrorism. They are the same. Their goals are the same: undermine or overthrow our great republic.
Do you think one is better than the other?
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Not what I said
Your answer to my burning and looting question seemed to imply it. Burning and looting isn’t acceptable and they don’t just relate to objects. People have been killed.
ability here on CAF for members of the right to bury their head in the sand whenever right wing violence rears it’s head.
Seems that you have the sand overhead since you ignore the violence of the left and focus only on the extreme right. They are both evil, can you admit this?
Seems that you have the sand overhead since you ignore the violence of the left and focus only on the extreme right. They are both evil, can you admit this?
I’m struggling to get anyone here who is of the left to admit it. Even when they say they should all be rejected, when pressed on left wing groups, there seems to be a quick walk back.
It is quite remarkable.
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I’m struggling to get anyone here who is of the left to admit it. Even when they say they should all be rejected, when pressed on left wing groups, there seems to be a quick walk back.
It is quite remarkable.
I’ve been called a leftist on here. I repudiate the violence of the left.
I’m struggling to get anyone here who is of the left to admit it. Even when they say they should all be rejected, when pressed on left wing groups, there seems to be a quick walk back.
It is quite remarkable.
I’ve been called a leftist on here. I repudiate the violence of the left.
I didn’t get that sense (that your are leftist), but thank you for your integrity.
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