Alan Keyes daughter is gay

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This subject may have been hashed out in another thread but I haven’t been able to find anything on it. I’d like to know what people think of Alan Keyes situation with his daugher coming out as a lesbian. The media (with it’s usual liberal bias) has been painting a negative picture of Dr. Keyes. He’s being described as kind of a cold hearted father who disowned and kicked his daughter out in the cold. He is apparently not financing the rest of her education at Brown University and a gay group has agreed to finance it. This gay group is being painted as being on a wonderful rescue mission. Call me cynical but I’m sure this group expects Ms. Keyes to promote the gay agenda as a quid pro quo payback for their “generous” assistance with her education bills. Dr. Keyes reasons for not financing her education are logical to me: She will ultimately use that expensive education to promote the gay agenda and further embarrass him and his faith. I think that Alan Keyes is a very smart, articulate and courageous man for takin this stand - this guy truly has heart-felt principals. He was ridiculed for his comment about gays being selfish hedonists but that phrase was taken out of context and twisted to make him sound like a crazy right-wing fundamentalist zeolot. I’m praying for Dr. Keyes and his family. Please click on below link for the full text of the interview mentioned above. Dr. Keyes does a wonderful job explaining the true purpose of sexuality - I wish everyone could read his full explanation of this subject.
I think a good part of the issue is that Keyes has known for quite some time that his daughter is a lesbian put only decided to take action against her when she allowed it to become more public knowledge.
He’s my favorite politician ever. He’s the only one who stands firmly behind the Catholic Faith. And that’s why he never wins…
Why this private family matter is taken up as a cause celebre is beyond me. Many children rebel and who knows whether this is as much a rebellious child trying to hurt her father in the way it will be most painful or whether she is truly a lesbian who wants to promote the homesexual agenda.

Lisa N
Alan Keyes is a great American. Not only is he brilliant, but his moral foundation is to be honored. Alan Keyes would have made a good Senator, I wish he had won. The man who won is Alan Keyes inferior.

If his daughter who was a student at Brown was not caught up in the Ultra-Left I’d be surprised. Brown is the most Leftist - Liberal University in the US. The daughter showed little respect for her father. I have no respect for her.
I think a good part of the issue is that Keyes has known for quite some time that his daughter is a lesbian put only decided to take action against her when she allowed it to become more public knowledge.
This is the first I’ve heard about this issue at all. It seems to me that her going public would be a valid reason for him to make a firm stand. If she were struggling privately with a disordered desire and seeking help to overcome this then she would be acting in conformity with her faith. OTOH, if she “outs” herself and starts promoting homosexual sins, then her father has a duty to correct her, and cutting off the money spigot may be one way to do that.

True love is seeking the best for that person, not making her comfortable in her sin.
This is the first I’ve heard about this issue at all. It seems to me that her going public would be a valid reason for him to make a firm stand. If she were struggling privately with a disordered desire and seeking help to overcome this then she would be acting in conformity with her faith. OTOH, if she “outs” herself and starts promoting homosexual sins, then her father has a duty to correct her, and cutting off the money spigot may be one way to do that.

True love is seeking the best for that person, not making her comfortable in her sin.
Let’s face it - if her father were named John Smith her need to go “public” would be a zero level. She’d just live her life. It’s an obvious ploy like the Reagan kids tried to use against their parents - now they describe themselves as destructive in their need to disagree with their father. Too little, too late.
And her loving parents kicked her out of the family home. What dear people.
And her loving parents kicked her out of the family home. What dear people.
She is no longer a minor and they have no legal requirement to support her. Besides she isn’t ‘in the home’ is she? I understand she was in college.

College is a privilege and if your parents are willing to pay for it, that’s a blessing. But a student should have some respect for her parents’ feelings and the impact her public proclamation has on them. I suggest she is a mixed up and rebellious child who may find her new found “friends” are really not interested in her but in using her to get to her father. As someone said, the Reagan kids all over again.

Lisa N
This is the first I’ve heard about this issue at all. It seems to me that her going public would be a valid reason for him to make a firm stand. If she were struggling privately with a disordered desire and seeking help to overcome this then she would be acting in conformity with her faith.
She has not be “struggling” with this issue nor seeking help for quite some time and her parents have known this. She also has been “out” since before her father’s Seante race. She even had a website that talked about herself as a “pro-life lesbian”.

So it seems her father was happy to make her comfortable in her sin until it became a probelm for him politically.

(and all while the White House gives out press passes to Repubican gay “escorts” )
She has not be “struggling” with this issue nor seeking help for quite some time and her parents have known this. She also has been “out” since before her father’s Seante race. She even had a website that talked about herself as a “pro-life lesbian”.

So it seems her father was happy to make her comfortable in her sin until it became a probelm for him politically.

(and all while the White House gives out press passes to Repubican gay “escorts” )
I didn’t presume to know the thoughts and motivations of these people, which is why I put “ifs” in my statement.

But I can see that you’ve formed your opinion based on your intimate knowledge of their family life.
Yes, Katherine, don’t you know that you must be charitable to people on these forums if they are right-wing, but if they are at all liberal they are fair game and to be cut to shreads. Witness the Hillary Clinton threads or the Theresa Heinz Kerry threads.

It is an interesting double-standard. By the way, I haven’t noticed much discussion about the gay prostitute planted as a journalist in the White House press corps just to lob soft-ball questions.
Yes, Katherine, don’t you know that you must be charitable to people on these forums if they are right-wing, but if they are at all liberal they are fair game and to be cut to shreads. Witness the Hillary Clinton threads or the Theresa Heinz Kerry threads.

It is an interesting double-standard. By the way, I haven’t noticed much discussion about the gay prostitute planted as a journalist in the White House press corps just to lob soft-ball questions.
First I’ve heard of it. Maybe you’d like to start a thread? Also add the “plant” who put Rummy on the spot regarding armoured vehicles. Equal opportunity after all.

Lisa N
She has not be “struggling” with this issue nor seeking help for quite some time and her parents have known this. She also has been “out” since before her father’s Seante race. She even had a website that talked about herself as a “pro-life lesbian”.

So it seems her father was happy to make her comfortable in her sin until it became a probelm for him politically.

(and all while the White House gives out press passes to Repubican gay “escorts” )
Sin? What? Are you now saying that you oppose homosexual unions and homosexual “marriage”?
This subject may have been hashed out in another thread but I haven’t been able to find anything on it. I’d like to know what people think of Alan Keyes situation with his daugher coming out as a lesbian. The media (with it’s usual liberal bias) has been painting a negative picture of Dr. Keyes. He’s being described as kind of a cold hearted father who disowned and kicked his daughter out in the cold. He is apparently not financing the rest of her education at Brown University and a gay group has agreed to finance it. This gay group is being painted as being on a wonderful rescue mission. Call me cynical but I’m sure this group expects Ms. Keyes to promote the gay agenda as a quid pro quo payback for their “generous” assistance with her education bills. Dr. Keyes reasons for not financing her education are logical to me: She will ultimately use that expensive education to promote the gay agenda and further embarrass him and his faith. I think that Alan Keyes is a very smart, articulate and courageous man for takin this stand - this guy truly has heart-felt principals. He was ridiculed for his comment about gays being selfish hedonists but that phrase was taken out of context and twisted to make him sound like a crazy right-wing fundamentalist zeolot. I’m praying for Dr. Keyes and his family. Please click on below link for the full text of the interview mentioned above. Dr. Keyes does a wonderful job explaining the true purpose of sexuality - I wish everyone could read his full explanation of this subject.
While Mr Keyes has no obligation to accept and condone his daughter’s choice, to disown her and refuse to pay for her education is still terrible. Love the sinner, hate the sin. He is her father and he should love and support her, even if he doesnt support her homosexuality. He can make it known that he doesnt support her choice, but he still his her father and must treat her with love and understanding. Even if he believes homosexuality is wrong, it is not his job to punish her. She is an adult. And if he believes homosexuality is simply and immoral choice, then what did he, such a conservative family man and man of faith, do to raise such a horrible and immoral daughter?
Sin? What? Are you now saying that you oppose homosexual unions and homosexual “marriage”?
I’ve repeatedly posted that I don’t support gay marriage and if a lunatic right wing fringe insists that anyone who offers so much as a polite hello to a gay person must be condoning that behavior, its not my fault.
…By the way, I haven’t noticed much discussion about the gay prostitute planted as a journalist in the White House press corps just to lob soft-ball questions.
We shouldn’t criticize gay prostitutes just because they have poor throwing arms. That’s not very charitable…

I’ve repeatedly posted that I don’t support gay marriage and if a lunatic right wing fringe insists that anyone who offers so much as a polite hello to a gay person must be condoning that behavior, its not my fault.
You don’t support homosexual marriage but you do support homosexual unions?

Does anyone here think it wrong to say a polite hello to anybody? Must not be any lunatic right wing fringers, whatever that means.
While Mr Keyes has no obligation to accept and condone his daughter’s choice, to disown her and refuse to pay for her education is still terrible. Love the sinner, hate the sin. He is her father and he should love and support her, even if he doesnt support her homosexuality. He can make it known that he doesnt support her choice, but he still his her father and must treat her with love and understanding. Even if he believes homosexuality is wrong, it is not his job to punish her. She is an adult. And if he believes homosexuality is simply and immoral choice, then what did he, such a conservative family man and man of faith, do to raise such a horrible and immoral daughter?
Do you think that he should finance her promotion of an immoral lifestyle? You say in this very post that she is an adult–and yet you believe that withdrawing monetary support is somehow a punishment?

As for why she turned out the way she did, we can only say that everybody has free will and parents can’t control every aspect of their children’s lives. Many parents do everything right and still have children that turn out badly. Even at your age you should understand that.
then what did he, such a conservative family man and man of faith, do to raise such a horrible and immoral daughter?
What did Jesus teach that made Judas act as he did? It is not always that parents are bad, sometimes children are bad no matter how they are raised.
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