Alan Keyes daughter is gay

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you sure are.

You assumed that anyone who suggested some disapproval of Keyes behaviro towards his daughter is a proponent of gay marriage. That is out of line. Its not logical, its McCarthyistic.

You didn’t say my posts gave implications that I supported gay marriage. You made an unqualfied statement that I did. The idea that to voice any disagreement with a man like Alan Keyes makes one a proponent of gay marriage is a bunch of bunk.

You didn’t ask for clarification. You made a false accusation about me.

I didn’t clarify it. I’ve never said I support gay marriage. You decided to make accusations without evidence other than some minor Christian charity towards gay people.

You didn’t state that logical deduction would lead someone to beleive that I supported gay marriage. You flat out said I supported gay marrigage based on a post where I thought one person was being uncharitable to his lesbian daughter.

To the point, you lied about me.
Ok, Katherine. Now that you have ripped me up one side and down the other for lying and making false accusations about you, will you apologize after I ask you to show me where I made this supposed lie/accusations and you will not be able to produce the post?


It seems in your mind that when someone asks a legitimate question that they are making a statement. I understand your paranoia as you like to play the “political game”. However, some of us are just looking for the truth.

Ok. Now for the quesion. Where is the post in which I lied about you?
Ok, Katherine. Now that you have ripped me up one side and down the other…
a gal has to do what a gal has to do:cool:
false accusations about you, will you apologize after I ask you to show me where I made this supposed lie/accusations and you will not be able to produce the post?
Ok. Now for the quesion. Where is the post in which I lied about you?
Post #14. et. seq.
Hi K2:

How does a person lie by asking a question? Post 14 consists only of a series of questions.
Wrong, and a real social evil which must be combatted.
By social evil do you mean the nuancing of the moral law and embracing sin? I am unsure of which social evil you are referring to?
Hi K2:

How does a person lie by asking a question? Post 14 consists only of a series of questions.
I think it’s part of that new English.
Yes, there are people saying.
Not on this board or on this thread. I am sure that somewhere there is unjust discrimination against homosexuals. However most people simply draw the line at the public affirmation and support for what they see as an abnormal, unhealthy and if you are Christian, sinful activity. What people do privately is between them and God.

I have seen employment discrimination against homosexuals but it was over 20 years ago. THere may be some anecdotal evidence that it still continues to occur in some areas. But like racial discrimination it is more likely a bitter reminder of a past era than a current reality. Further in order to discriminate against a homosexual that homosexual must be public. There are not too many gaydar detectors in American businesses that would screen them out.

Unfortunately legitimate concerns about the advancing of an immoral, unhealthy and abnormal activity are shouted down in the paranoia we seem to have at being called a bigot. Again it’s unjustified prejudice or discrimination that makes a bigot, not simply an understanding of the real world.

Lisa N
Originally Posted by Lisa N
She also might appreciate her college education more if she actually has to work for it. Another one of those privileges of being an adult, supporting yourself and your choices in life. None of this says Mr Keyes no longer loves his daughter.

Lisa N*
*** I heard that the daughter had not even started attending classes, or had not even registered at Brown, or never really finished a semester, or something of the sort. At 19 years old, a parent should at least see some evidence of interest in education. Dr Keyes, or any other parent, does not “owe” his daughter a college education. I also do not understand sending any child to Brown Univ.***
By social evil do you mean the nuancing of the moral law and embracing sin? I am unsure of which social evil you are referring to?
No, I am referring to unjust discrimination towards gay people in employment, housing and health care.
No, I am referring to unjust discrimination towards gay people in employment, housing and health care.
Why do you use the term “gay”? Do you support the political goals of those that call themselves “gay”?

I do not believe that unjust discrimination is a major problem for open homosexuals. I think that they are accepted. In fact, they are not only accepted, but their sinful and deviant lifesyle is celebrated, embraced and imitated all too often in our culture of death.
Lisa N:
Unfortunately legitimate concerns about the advancing of an immoral, unhealthy and abnormal activity are shouted down in the paranoia we seem to have at being called a bigot. Again it’s unjustified prejudice or discrimination that makes a bigot, not simply an understanding of the real world.Lisa N
The new prejudice is against those that speak up against what the holy father calls the new ideology of evil.
No, I am referring to unjust discrimination towards gay people in employment, housing and health care.
Katherine 2:
My guess is that you have no idea what Congress means when it uses the term “discrimination,” and how civil rights laws are binding on the states.

No, I am referring to unjust discrimination towards gay people in employment, housing and health care.
I’m interested in your thoughts…If it were established that discrimination against particular behaviors served as an effective deterrent to those behaviors, would you support discrimination?

I’m interested in your thoughts…If it were established that discrimination against particular behaviors served as an effective deterrent to those behaviors, would you support discrimination?

I have grave reservations about having corporate chieftains impose economic punishments on people as a way of encouraging personal moral behavior. I’m consistent on this. Despite my strong beliefs in the obligation of charity to the poor, I would not support the rught of an employer to fire someone because they were greedy or miserly.

I am very familiar with federal civil rights law. I was “present at the creation” if you will.
Why do you use the term “gay”? Do you support the political goals of those that call themselves “gay”?
Why do you call yourself “fix”? Do you support surgical sterilization?
Lisa N:
Look, no one is saying that homosexuals should be ostracized, beaten up, chased down, or denied suitable housing or employment. But none of that requires approving of their sex lives as long as these are carried on in private.

Lisa N
Why must what these people do be carried on in “private”? Is it because we are uncomfortable with their demonstrations of attraction to and affection for one another? I would much rather have a homosexual person out of the “closet” than one who is living a “secret” life of fear that they will be castigated and ostracized just for being who they are.

No one is saying that the Catholic Church must officially sanction and approve of the unions between homosexuals as sacramental marriage. The way I see it, homosexuals are as entitled to all the benefits enjoyed by heterosexuals in a democratic and libertine civil society.

My wife and I attended and participated in my brother’s wedding, We recognize his partner as our “brother-in-law,” and as a member of our family. I refuse to discriminate against anyone based upon sexual preference, or race, or gender, or creed, or political persuasion, or disability. I am called to love others completely and freely…unreservedly in Christ. I am not called to merely tolerate their lifestyles and behaviors. “Hate the sin and love the sinner” is simply not acceptable to me as a Catholic Christian living in the 21st Century.
Why do you call yourself “fix”? Do you support surgical sterilization?
A non answer. I will assume you support the “gay” political movement.
4 marks:
Why must what these people do be carried on in “private”? Is it because we are uncomfortable with their demonstrations of attraction to and affection for one another? I would much rather have a homosexual person out of the “closet” than one who is living a “secret” life of fear that they will be castigated and ostracized just for being who they are…
No 4Marks it’s NOT who they are. Defining yourself by what you are currently doing with your genitalia is quite dehumanizing. Further why should ANY sexual acts be carried out in public? If I am not part of someone’s sex life, then there is no reason for them to relate to me in that manner. When I am purchasing groceries is it relevant that the grocery checker is a wife swapper or enjoys S&M? How about my co-worker? Is it necessary for me to have knowledge of their sex lives? I don’t think so. IOW homosexuals are trying to sexualize non-sexual interactions by thrusting their personal and private behavior in our proverbial faces. If two men are sitting together at the symphony who cares? If they are pawing each other that’s a different matter and I would be every bit as offended if two heterosexuals were making a public display.
4 marks:
No one is saying that the Catholic Church must officially sanction and approve of the unions between homosexuals as sacramental marriage. The way I see it, homosexuals are as entitled to all the benefits enjoyed by heterosexuals in a democratic and libertine civil society…
Well I did get a chuckle out of your last comment. Libertine means someone who acts without moral restraint or a dissolute person. Is that what you meant?
4 marks:
My wife and I attended and participated in my brother’s wedding, We recognize his partner as our “brother-in-law,” and as a member of our family. I refuse to discriminate against anyone based upon sexual preference, or race, or gender, or creed, or political persuasion, or disability. I am called to love others completely and freely…unreservedly in Christ. I am not called to merely tolerate their lifestyles and behaviors. “Hate the sin and love the sinner” is simply not acceptable to me as a Catholic Christian living in the 21st Century.
And the source of this philosophy would be?

Lisa N
A non answer. I will assume you support the “gay” political movement.
When you ASSUME, you make…, well nevermind.

I do support certain initiatives that have been identified with the gay political movement such as employment non-discrimination and oppose certain others such as gay marriage. If you don’t like that, tough.
When you ASSUME, you make…, well nevermind.
Thank you for admitting that, well, at least your part in it.
I do support certain initiatives that have been identified with the gay political movement such as employment non-discrimination and oppose certain others such as gay marriage. If you don’t like that, tough.
I am for human rights, but against the “gay” movement.
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