Alternative Political Party

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RINOs? They are not Republicans in Name Only, they’re non-conservative Republicans. There is a long tradition of liberal and moderate Republicans. Remember, there is a Conservative Party in Great Britain, but there is not one here.

As far as viable third parties—THERE AREN’T ANY!

I agree with that approach. However, here in the BLUE state of Oregon, we missed out on a Republican governor (first one in 20 years?) because the Libertarian candidate’s votes were very nearly the margin of victory for the democrat.
Go and ask the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt if, after he’s had time to reflect on the outcome, he still thinks the Bull Moose Party was such a good idea?
For some of us who are ‘politically challenged’. Can someone give a brief description of the six choices in the poll?
there are so many good christians in the us, it is a pity they will not get together and form a christian alliance party, through time it could become a force to be reckoned with
Thats been done…its called the Christian Coalition…and I have no interest in them.

I have no more use for the Republican/Conservative Party in its current generalized form, though the ideals they espouse are paid good lip service…they also seem to think they have divine rights to claim God as on “their side”

I have no use for the Democratic/liberal Party in its current form…they dont care to claim God at all

The Constitution Party strikes me as being by the letter of the law…and thats what we are experiencing with these so called Christian conservative Judges helping to put Terry Schiavo to death…I fail to find any humanity in this party…especially for other countrys…they seem too isolationist… Their stance against NATO appeals to me cause I am anti globalization and anti Nato

Sometimes I lean to the ideals of the Democrats for Life… I feel comfortable with this ideal…and if they could ever form a strong coalition, this is may be the hope for the Country and to get back on track…yes, I think we are terribly off track…and thats how I voted in that MSNBC poll as well

but ultimately, I remain an independent thinker, look at all sides, reject the simple dumb down mentality of straight party voting and am a commited Independent. Nobody has all the answers and I need to see who is running at the last moment and what they stand for to make final voting decisions.
Unfortunately, I’m not aware of a single political party that completely conforms to Catholic principles.

We need a Papal Party!
Unlike, I suspect, the vast majority of people on these boards, libertarianism as a political philosphy doesn’t hold much appeal for me. The world’s inherently unjust, and just leaving it be seems, to me, an abdication of our responsibility to work to make it better.

I’m not registered with the Dems, though I tend to vote that way more often than not. Still, it’s not like they don’t have major problems, most glaringly in their stance on abortion. Really it’s the economics of the Dems that appeal to me, and their willingness to see government as a potential partner for good rather than as an obstacle to be borne, so I’d be more interested in parties that were more in line with a pro-life ethic but that fell on the Democratic side of the libertarian/interventionist line of politics. There’s a relatively new party in NY and CT called the Working Families Party, focuses mostly on bread and butter issues like housing and health care. I don’t know a whole lot about them but what I do know is pretty appealing.
Not enough options, I don’t know enough about these others but something has to be better than what we have.
I believe that we should establish a “Foundation” party.

A party that has as its basic platform the inalienable rights laid out in the Declaration of Independence (remember those rights endowed by our Creator?) and follows the Preamble of the Constitution as its mission statement.

These ‘foundational’ documents are what the USA is truly about. The country seems to have been hijacked by people who have changed this country into…well… what we have today.

Well that’s the rub, isn’t it, defining what “the US is truly about.” A Foundation party seems rather broad and ambiguous. Also, if it’s at all a textual-fundamentalist, strict interpretation party, as I think the name suggests, you run into the problem of historical change and societal evolution. The US is not the same as it was in 1789, and on balance, that’s probably a good thing.

A Foundation party, which presumably would be going back to pre-Constitution principles, might also wish to keep in mind that the Constitution was not the original government the US tried. It ws the failure of the weak government model of the Articles of the Confederation that led to the stronger Federal system we adopted.
Philip P:
Well that’s the rub, isn’t it, defining what “the US is truly about.” A Foundation party seems rather broad and ambiguous. Also, if it’s at all a textual-fundamentalist, strict interpretation party, as I think the name suggests, you run into the problem of historical change and societal evolution. The US is not the same as it was in 1789, and on balance, that’s probably a good thing.

A Foundation party, which presumably would be going back to pre-Constitution principles, might also wish to keep in mind that the Constitution was not the original government the US tried. It ws the failure of the weak government model of the Articles of the Confederation that led to the stronger Federal system we adopted.
Not sure your point here…

The Inalienable rights endowed by God are out of date? The Preamble is part of the Constitution so it cannot be a pre-Cnstitutional. Is it out of date?

These are simply guiding principles, which apparently you don’t think we need anymore. In every situation, focusing on the basics clarifies the mission. It is the societal evolution that seems to be ignoring the basics these days, wouldn’t you say?

Really, where’s the inalienable right to life in a society where abortion is ‘legal’?
Really, where’s the inalienable right to life in a society where abortion is ‘legal’?
This is because the we are allowing politicians to define what life means.

Jesus seemed to be a non-viable option for many Jews in His day.

Parties become viable when the citizens make them so.

Prolife party!
The problem with a pro-life party is that contraception is so rampant, it would be very difficult to gain steam.

I like the idea of a party that focuses on life and value issues, but calls itself something else. We would need to get Christians and pro-lifers to unite however.
The problem with a pro-life party is that contraception is so rampant, it would be very difficult to gain steam.

I like the idea of a party that focuses on life and value issues, but calls itself something else. We would need to get Christians and pro-lifers to unite however.
The problem with a pro-life party is that single issue parties don’t go anywhere. Suppose we elect a President on the Pro-Life Party ticket, and a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress.

On the 20th of January, the new President is sworn in. On the 21st, the Congress sends him a bill outlawing abortion.

What do they do in the 22nd?

What we need to do is work to get pro-life candidates nominated in BOTH parties, and to deny nomination and election to anti-life candidates.
NONE. Third parties, if they have any success at all, last only long enough to screw up an election by throwing it to the side they would **least **have favored otherwise. E.g. Perot’s Reform Party to Clinton, 1992.
NONE. Third parties, if they have any success at all, last only long enough to screw up an election by throwing it to the side they would **least **have favored otherwise. E.g. Perot’s Reform Party to Clinton, 1992.
As Teddy Roosevelt found out when he started the Bull Moose Party.

For those who think a Third Party is the way to go, a challenge. Give us a list of all the third party candidates who have won the Presidency in the last 100 years.

If that’s too hard, give us a list of all the third parties which have had as many as a dozen members serving in the same Congress in the last 100 years.
vern humphrey:
As Teddy Roosevelt found out when he started the Bull Moose Party.

For those who think a Third Party is the way to go, a challenge. Give us a list of all the third party candidates who have won the Presidency in the last 100 years.

If that’s too hard, give us a list of all the third parties which have had as many as a dozen members serving in the same Congress in the last 100 years.
Vern, as much as I respect your opinion on this topic, and appreciate your perspective, you are missing the boat. A third party will only be able to take root if it is done and the grass roots level. I.e. school board, ward supervisors, alderman, city council, etc… Where service touched the lives of people directly and politics is less of an issue (except in DC). No third party will ever win the Presidency outright, and even if they do, they will get logjammed by congress. I admit that, and have repeatedly made that point abundantly clear. Only by working up the system will a third party be able to establish a foothold, not by the top down. Why the other 3rds who are vying for national interest haven’t figured it out is beyond me.
Vern, as much as I respect your opinion on this topic, and appreciate your perspective, you are missing the boat. A third party will only be able to take root if it is done and the grass roots level. I.e. school board, ward supervisors, alderman, city council, etc… Where service touched the lives of people directly and politics is less of an issue (except in DC). No third party will ever win the Presidency outright, and even if they do, they will get logjammed by congress. I admit that, and have repeatedly made that point abundantly clear. Only by working up the system will a third party be able to establish a foothold, not by the top down. Why the other 3rds who are vying for national interest haven’t figured it out is beyond me.
Oh, I agree with you – the problem is to create a party that can local election (where as you say, service touches the lives of people directly) AND be committed to a particular cause like pro-life.

Or, to put it another way, a candidate for alderman can’t do anything about ending abortion. So he has to offer other reasons for people to vote for him.

How do we generate winning LOCAL issues, and keep focussed on the big picture as the party grows?
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