Alternative Political Party

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Constitution Party all the way baby!

They stand for just about all the things i stand for. Too bad they don’t have a snowballs chance in Hell of winning. Not yet at least.
vern humphrey:
Oh, I agree with you – the problem is to create a party that can local election (where as you say, service touches the lives of people directly) AND be committed to a particular cause like pro-life.

Or, to put it another way, a candidate for alderman can’t do anything about ending abortion. So he has to offer other reasons for people to vote for him.

How do we generate winning LOCAL issues, and keep focussed on the big picture as the party grows?
By staying focused on the pro-life issue. Granted, there may be little that can be done AT the local issue, other than vote against zoning for Planned Parenthood clinics (et al), and voting against Planned Parenthood sponsored sex education classes (if you’re on the school board). I do agree that at the local level, the party wouuld look quite like the Republican Party, with the difference being, no tolerance for those who wear the party uniform, but don’t play by party rules (like Rudy Guiliani, Susan Collins, and Arnold, et al.) It would be a truely conservative party. I think that the RNC should move to the center (where it really is), and blue dog democrats like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman can join it. True conservatives, like Rick Santorum would be best represented by a truely conservative party. Then the Social Elitist Utopian Utilitarians, like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, and Barbara Streisand can maintain their standing in the morally defunct DNC.
By staying focused on the pro-life issue. Granted, there may be little that can be done AT the local issue, other than vote against zoning for Planned Parenthood clinics (et al), and voting against Planned Parenthood sponsored sex education classes (if you’re on the school board)…
The problem is, this party will have to win elections. That means the primary focus at the grassroots level must be on things that matter in local elections. Other parties can do those things as a secondary platform, and beat the Pro-life Party on two fronts – first by dealing with bread-and-butter issues, and secondly by actuall accomplishing what the Pro-life Party says they would accomplish, if they could get elected.
I do agree that at the local level, the party wouuld look quite like the Republican Party, with the difference being, no tolerance for those who wear the party uniform, but don’t play by party rules (like Rudy Guiliani, Susan Collins, and Arnold, et al.) It would be a truely conservative party. I think that the RNC should move to the center (where it really is), and blue dog democrats like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman can join it. True conservatives, like Rick Santorum would be best represented by a truely conservative party. Then the Social Elitist Utopian Utilitarians, like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, and Barbara Streisand can maintain their standing in the morally defunct DNC.
We can just as easily work within the Republican Party. We can never ‘purge’ the party – because that would drive people who would otherwise support us into the opposing party.
vern humphrey:
We can just as easily work within the Republican Party. We can never ‘purge’ the party – because that would drive people who would otherwise support us into the opposing party.
This is the reason why I often note that there are many places in which working within the Democratic Party is actually the best route for pro-lifers. It’s the same concept as what Vern is talking about in how what really matters to people at the local levels is bread and butter. And you need a strong party at the local levels in order to support a national party. The reality of politics is that certain areas are expected to be Republican and elect pretty much only republicans and others the same for Democrats. Relatively few areas swing to elect candidates of the other party much. It is a generally accepted reality by both major parties and while each of them will jostle to redraw maps to benefit their side, neither seriously tries to enter the controlled realm of the other. As such, the best route for people who live in a Republican area is generally to work within the Republican Party to strengthen it with electing truly dedicated people to the pro-life cause who can also handle the bread and butter. Likewise, people who live in Democratic areas should do the same in electing good Democrats who will insist upon supporting only candidates for higher office who also are pro-life. Such is the most effective plan of political action for pro-lifers.
This is the reason why I often note that there are many places in which working within the Democratic Party is actually the best route for pro-lifers. It’s the same concept as what Vern is talking about in how what really matters to people at the local levels is bread and butter. And you need a strong party at the local levels in order to support a national party. .
The problem the Democratic Party faces is that at the national level its leaders are so virulently pro-abortion. Po-life Democrats really have their work cut out for them, and often face the quandary one Democrat on another thread succumbed to – how do you be a Democrat and NOT support the national party leadership?

I wish pro-life Democrats had a solution to this quandary.
The reality of politics is that certain areas are expected to be Republican and elect pretty much only republicans and others the same for Democrats. Relatively few areas swing to elect candidates of the other party much. It is a generally accepted reality by both major parties and while each of them will jostle to redraw maps to benefit their side, neither seriously tries to enter the controlled realm of the other. As such, the best route for people who live in a Republican area is generally to work within the Republican Party to strengthen it with electing truly dedicated people to the pro-life cause who can also handle the bread and butter. Likewise, people who live in Democratic areas should do the same in electing good Democrats who will insist upon supporting only candidates for higher office who also are pro-life. Such is the most effective plan of political action for pro-lifers.
Indeed it is. Both parties must work to send a message to their leaders, support life, or lose our support.
vern humphrey:
The problem the Democratic Party faces is that at the national level its leaders are so virulently pro-abortion. Po-life Democrats really have their work cut out for them, and often face the quandary one Democrat on another thread succumbed to – how do you be a Democrat and NOT support the national party leadership?

I wish pro-life Democrats had a solution to this quandary.
There’s no doubt that it’s a long, uphill battle from this point. Due to the reorganization in the 70s of the party which enabled radical feminists to take greater control, combined with the more traditionally conservative elements in the party politely succombing rather than taking a stand, the national level of present party control makes things quite difficult for the matter to be pushed as strongly as is needed nationally. Nonetheless, it still isn’t uncommon for pro-lifers to get elected as Democrats at the local (and even congressional house) level. Some could probably even get elected at statewide levels to a certain degree. The key problem seems to be in getting those who hold office at the lower levels to actively advocate for and support pro-life candidates at higher levels, while at least minimally becoming passive about rather than active in the campaigns of pro-aborts. Basically, if the message from those who control the politically organized foot soldiers is that you won’t receive the support you need to get elected to higher office unless you’re on the same page with us, then those seeking such offices will get the message and things will begin to change.
There’s no doubt that it’s a long, uphill battle from this point. Due to the reorganization in the 70s of the party which enabled radical feminists to take greater control, combined with the more traditionally conservative elements in the party politely succombing rather than taking a stand, the national level of present party control makes things quite difficult for the matter to be pushed as strongly as is needed nationally. Nonetheless, it still isn’t uncommon for pro-lifers to get elected as Democrats at the local (and even congressional house) level. Some could probably even get elected at statewide levels to a certain degree. The key problem seems to be in getting those who hold office at the lower levels to actively advocate for and support pro-life candidates at higher levels, while at least minimally becoming passive about rather than active in the campaigns of pro-aborts. Basically, if the message from those who control the politically organized foot soldiers is that you won’t receive the support you need to get elected to higher office unless you’re on the same page with us, then those seeking such offices will get the message and things will begin to change.
My hat is off to you – you’ve got a long, uphill battle, and it will take courage to stay the course.

In politics, as you know, power is real. The leaders of the party have the power to reward and punish, and can use that power against those who seek to rise from the grass roots.

God bless and keep you.
Yes, I would consider the Libertarians instead of the Democrats. I am currently a registered Democrat and I’ll be honest, they’re just too liberal for me anymore.
Viva American Patriot Party!!!

Gotta work from the bottom up, and they understand that.

But when in doubt yoink the elephant lever.
Thanks for resurrecting this thread Tre. I’ll look into the American Patriot Party.
Thanks for resurrecting this thread Tre. I’ll look into the American Patriot Party.
The American Patriot Party was founded on March 1st 2003 by individuals from several states around the nation whom have a common concern on where this nation is headed. The purpose of this party is to return this great nation back to the original intent of our founding fathers and within the framework of the original Constitution.
The American Patriot Party believes that the government of the United States is the result of a revolution in thought. It was founded on the principle that all persons have equal rights, and that government is responsible to, and derives its powers from, a free people. To Thomas Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers, these ideas were not just a passing intellectual fad, but a recognition of something inherent in the nature of man itself. The very foundation of government, therefore, rests on the inalienable rights of the people and of each individual composing their mass.
The American Patriot Party stands firmly on these principles of government laid down by our Founding Fathers in the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. These founding documents are just as important today as when they were first written.
Our mission:
To return the federal and state government back to the system originally envisioned by the Founding Fathers as laid out in the Constitution.
To return all powers back to the states from the federal government that are not specified by the Constitution.
To educate the people on the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. We believe a well informed population will make informed decisions about their leaders.
To field candidates or support candidates who carry the ideas of our Founding Fathers
What makes the American Patriot Party different from other small and large political parties?
The American Patriot Party does not accept donations on a national level.
We direct all donations to be given to the state parties. By doing this we avoid a lot of potential corruption on a national level as well as suspicion from state officers about funding.
Will not run presidential candidate for some time.
Many other parties waste precious resources running a presidential candidate that has 0 chance of winning. We want to concentrate what little resources are availible and run our candidates on state and federal senatorial and congressional races as well as other local elections.
The American Patriot Party, on the National level, works for the individual state parties, not the other way around.
Many other parties control the state affiliates with an iron grip. We stay out of state party business unless the state policy runs contrary to the constitution or the officers are performing illegal activity.
The American Patriot Party, on the National level, is very small.
We run the party with a very small staff consisting of 4 Officers and several committees. No one accepts compensation as we are all volunteers. We require very little in the way of operating expenses because of this which lets the state affiliates keep almost all donations for the benefit of the state. Plus, we again avoid a lot of potential corruption and internal infighting that plagues many other parties.
The American Patriot Party promotes Statesmanship and avoids Politicians.
We encourage (not require) all federal candidates to pledge to only serve one or two terms in federal office. This helps to avoid the power and corruption that destroys many a good person who goes to Washington D.C. with the spirit of Statesmanship and ends up a typical politician.
The American Patriot Party endorses other candidates for political office.
We will endorse candidates from different parties (when our candidates are not running for said office) that most reflects the positions and policies of the American Patriot Party. Party label does not matter. We will not endorse a republican just because they are republican. We will look at what they stand for, not who they work for.
The American Patriot Party has the correct priorities.
We promote strongly that our priorities be in this order: God, Family, Duty to Country, then Politics.
In your next election - vote DIRTYDOG!!! 😉

Why - cause it’s a COOL nickname!!! :dancing:

Anybody wanna pitch in and buy a deserted island somewhere and start over? I say we get out of this :whacky: world we live in.

Then again, this idea reminds me of Lord of the Flies. :eek:
vern humphrey:
The problem with a pro-life party is that single issue parties don’t go anywhere. Suppose we elect a President on the Pro-Life Party ticket, and a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress.

On the 20th of January, the new President is sworn in. On the 21st, the Congress sends him a bill outlawing abortion.

What do they do in the 22nd?

What we need to do is work to get pro-life candidates nominated in BOTH parties, and to deny nomination and election to anti-life candidates.
It would not be a single issue party. It would be a party that focused on many issues but was grounded in core Christian values. That is why I said we should not call it a pro-life party.

As far as your idea of getting pro-life candidates nominated in BOTH parties, that’s great in theory, but Democrats are not going to let that happen. My hope is the party dies the death it deserves. We either are going to reject what they stand for outright or we are going to slowly embrace it. Currently, we are teetering between the 2 options.
With all of the events of the last few days, many of us have grown increasing impatient with the apparent impotence of the Republican Party. This, coupled with the DNCs position on abortion and other “culture of death” issues makes me wonder if now isn’t the time to make a push for an alternative National Party. Without wanting to turn this into an alternative of the Politics Forum, would you consider leaving your party for an alternative?
Waah!:crying: I couldnt’ vote!
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