TheCuriousCat is correct.Google is your friend, to find Plantinga’s definition just search for “plantinga possible worlds”:
Modal means relating to modes, in this case two modes of being - possible existence and actual existence.
No TheCuriousCat claimed that “Worlds:
In logic, worlds aren’t planets, solar systems, or universes. Worlds are a global set of premises that are logically consistent,” which is NOT correct. I merely pointed out that “In modal logic…” would have been a more accurate qualifier for the statement.
So what is your point here? Are you arguing that the Cat’s statement is true in all forms of logic? Then, perhaps YOU need to look up “propositional logic” or “classical truth-functional propositional logic” on your friend Google.
If you are trying to point that the Cat’s point IS possibly true in modal logic, then how is that different from what I wrote?
If you’re proposing “Logic exists; therefore MGB” then that isn’t Plantinga’s argument, and is the mother and father of all circular arguments.
Actually, what I claimed was that the Cat’s use of the word “consistency,” that is presumed to underlie or ground logical truth, requires that necessity also be the case. So yes, logic exists iff necessity holds in all possible worlds. The Cat’s original claim was that s/he could imagine a logical world where necessity did not exist. I am merely pointing out that such a claim is untrue because any “logically consistent” world can only be “logically consistent” if that consistency is a necessary logical aspect.
Ergo, necessity must be the case in all possible worlds, even in those conceived in the realm of modal logic. Or, to use other words, the Cat’s claim regarding worlds in modal logic assumes necessity and can only be considered true if it is necessarily true. I.e., “It is necessarily true that in modal logic, worlds are a global set of premises that are logically consistent.”
The question then becomes, “In what actuality or reality is that necessity grounded?”
Cat’s original claim was that s/he had refuted Plantinga’s argument because s/he could conceive of a possible world where necessity (MGB) wasn’t necessary.
To wit:
If there existed a static universe without a beginning, would God be necessary? If you or I can present any set of logically consistent premises that wouldn’t require there to be a God, then it is impossible for God to be necessary, and… I just did. His argument isn’t sound.
My larger point, then, is to point out that logical consistency requires necessity, therefore all possible worlds, even those in modal logic require and presume necessity for the world to hold as logically “consistent” in that world. In what is that consistency to be grounded? Perhaps in some kind of existential necessity (AKA MGB) which makes logic itself binding and true necessarily even in the form of modal logic?
The Cat needs to answer this little issue. Relying on would-be friends to obfuscate the matter just won’t do.