Logical consistency. There is literature on all this.
For instance, on MGB and abstract objects:
Logical consistency is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for a possible world to be actualized. If all it has is “logical consistency” and no actualizing principle, it won’t ever be actualized so what sense is there to say it is a possible world?
“Possible” implies that it is possible for that world be made actual, but if there is no possible actualizing principle within the world it will never, ever, be actual, no matter how logically consistent it is.
Again, so in what sense is it realistically a possible world? “Possible” in terms of WHAT, precisely? It can never be actualized, because nothing within that world will ever make it actual – certainly not logical consistency on its own.
It isn’t at all actualizable, because it lacks any actualizing principle whatsoever; therefore, it isn’t “possible” in any meaningful sense.
Or, put another way, a world that can never actually come to be is not a possible world at all. What it lacks is the very thing that it needs to make it possible – that which could actualize it.
Or, put another, another, way, “logical consistency” – in terms of what possible worlds may, in fact, logically require – could very well mean that an
actualizing principle is required in order to maintain any “logical consistency” with possibility.
And if that “actualizing principle” is some form of self-existent being – or that which exists by its very essence (Aquinas’ Ipsum Esse Subsistens) – then Necessary Being (MGB) would be required by any and all possible worlds in order for those worlds to be “possible” in any meaningful sense.
Now, you might add the rejoinder that we can think of possible worlds without the necessity of those being actualized, but the only reason we can conceive of them as possible is because we are, in fact, actualized.
If the actualizing principle is outside the possible world, then, still, by itself, that world is not actualizable even though it can be abstractly thought of as “possible.” It is only possible if the actualizing principle outside of that world makes it possible – but that “possible” world, in that thin sense, still requires an actualizing principle. So what makes it “possible,” in that case, is the external actualizing principle, but the world itself qua world is not a “possible” one unless it exists within a larger actual world or, at least, within one which in turn has an actualizing principle within it.